Ezra’s dark, stormy, mysterious, and dominant blue glance peeled away the flimsy shield she held up against them all, leaving her vulnerable and in a sphere where she was both afraid and aroused by the overwhelming need to bow her head in supplication.

Jensen stole her breath with his arresting, striking, and cutting gray gaze, keeping her spellbound by him until she was so absorbed in his presence that she willingly allowed him to see right through her, down to the core of her soul. Her secrets were not safe with this man.

And Maxim, with his mesmerizing, thick-fringed, alluring green eyes, enthralled her. He crumbled her resistance with one long sweep of his gaze and a slight charming grin on his face, seducing her and telling her in no uncertain terms that he could make her do whatever he wanted with nothing but an enticing killer smile.

She had never in her life seen men who looked like them. Had never thought she would come face-to-face with people who looked like they did and were so rich they owned the world. To her, those types of people were from another planet; they were so far outside of her existence. She couldn’t imagine their level of status, wealth, or beauty. It went beyond her, over her head.

And that enhanced the fact that she wasn’t meant to be there in any capacity whatsoever. They had to know. She had to find a way to make them see that she wasn’t who they thought she was.

They closed the distance between them, leaving a mere breath between them. The sight of them evoked an effect on her body that she couldn’t explain. She didn’t know these men or what they were capable of doing, but where her mind tried to remain unencumbered and clear, her body had bowed to them out of a mixture of fear and awe. She was as fascinated by them as she was frightened of them, and the conflicting combination weighed on her.

Her body heated her up from the inside out, yet her nipples turned to hard, painful peaks while a sliver of wetness clung to her folds.

She had no idea what was happening to her.

Shuddering sensations skidded down her body as Jensen and Maxim reached out and touched her breasts. No man had ever touched her before, much less seen her naked.

She shut her eyes tightly as their thumbs brushed over her pebbled peaks, inducing a kind of ache that was so unfamiliar that it scared her. Suddenly, her breasts felt as if they were on fire. Overly full. The fever in her breasts, in her pussy, and everywhere inside her increased tenfold as Jensen and Maxim now squeezed her breasts. Droplets of liquid spilled from her nipples, but she wasn’t given enough time to worry about that as her world continued to spiral out of her control.

Ezra’s fingers dipped into the band of fabric at her waist, keeping the lower part of her body concealed from their sight. She gasped in shock when he tore through the material, ripping it in half until it pooled at her feet.

Dear god, she was completely naked now.

Whimpering softly as defeat spread through her like wildfire. She couldn’t control her body’s responses; she couldn’t stop the wetness from collecting copiously between her thighs. The sight of them had awed her, stripped her of common sense, and extinguished her control.

They enlivened her femininity with their looks alone, with their consummate aura of power, and with their silent, though potent, demand for supplication.

She sucked in a huge, staggering breath as Ezra ran his knuckles down her mons to her folds, clinging wetly together.

But something felt different about her body.

She looked down and was shocked to find that the neatly trimmed hair on her pussy had been completely removed, leaving her absolutely bare.

Vague slips of memories flashed past her again of her laying on that slab of concrete, water drizzling over her, her legs parted.

Who were these people? What kind of gothic cult had she walked in on?

But all her thoughts fled when Ezra, using the tip of his knuckle, nudged apart her labia and then dipped into the pool of wetness at the entrance of her pussy. He turned his finger and swept the tip into her. Never had she wanted the earth to pull her in more than when he rubbed her essence between the tips of his other fingers and then bathed his tongue with her wetness. He stood back, legs apart, his hands in the pockets of his suit pants, as he watched her.

She wasn’t supposed to get wet. She wasn’t supposed to feel this level of heat. Her fear should have doused any reaction in her body to them. But it didn’t.

Because she had seen them once before—an infinitesimal glimpse, so brief, so fleeting—but their images had stayed with her, there in her mind, lingering unendingly, since that day.

She saw them get into a limousine that had been waiting for them outside of Basilisk Industries on the second day of her temporary job there. She was returning from her lunch break, but the sight of them had stopped her dead, tilted her universe, and flushed the skin of her entire body.

She had never seen men of their caliber before, and she hadn’t been able to get them out of her mind. That same night, she had woken up from a disturbingly erotic dream that had left the T-shirt she slept in soaked with perspiration and her panties drenched with the wetness from her pussy. Such a foolish thing when all it reiterated was the vast differences between them. They would never, in a billion years, know she existed. She was the dirt under their shoes. The—

All her senses deserted her now. Her mind seemed to evaporate as Jensen and Maxim each took hold of her breasts and leaned closer. Their breath cascaded over her damp nipples before they sucked her aching peaks between their lips.

The warmth of their mouths enveloped her right down to her soul and made her womb quiver. She waded through the sensations of being touched, knowing that she should be worried about something.

Her nipples had been damp before they even took them into their mouths.

Suddenly, a scorching heat in her breasts threatened to burn through her whole body. She felt too full now, on the verge of exploding as if she were going to collapse if she wasn’t released from the burdensome heaviness in her breasts.

What had they done to her?

An agonizingly hot flood of blood landed on her cheeks when she couldn’t stop the deluge of wetness from dripping from her pussy.