Chapter Sixteen
Sutton didn’t waste any more time. Yes, it was the middle of the night. She had been waiting up for them, passing the time by taking an extra-long bubble bath while they worked away in their study.
She had at least given them time to get out of their suits and take a shower. Well, Ezra and Maxim had the time to slip into their signature drawstring silk pants, but the instant Maxim exited the bathroom, with a towel still around his waist and his hair damp, she decided now was the time.
Still, it was a wonder she could think at all, surrounded by their male beauty. They always made her breath falter. And seeing them—their obscenely handsome faces and ripped bodies, eight packs of abs for each of them—always set her skin alight. But it was also their darkness and their power that did that to her as well.
But this was something she had to do.
She had her mind set on it.
“I want to do the initiation."
Not deterred when the succinct, collectiveno, Sutton prepared to plead her case.
“I can do it. I’m strong. Stronger than I look. I’m confident that I can do it.”
“How did you hear about the initiation?”
“That’s not important.”
“Briella. But I can do this. Please, let me do this.”
“Why? Why do you want to, Sutton?”
“Because it was my fault that you branded the wrong girl. And I owe you that much.”
“For saving my family.”
“Why else?”
“Because you shouldn’t have an heir who doesn’t have the right blood.”
“We have already decided that you will be the mother of our son. And that is final.”
“But it’s wrong. I’m wrong. But I can also make this right."
“And you think an initiation will make it right?” Jensen asked gently.
“The answer is still no. There is no way we’re going to allow anyone to touch you in any capacity whatsoever,” Maxim said with his hands on his hips, the towel precariously low.
“What difference is it going to make if someone else touches me when you’re going to discard me after I’ve fulfilled my need to you anyway?" She asked, her frustration creating a spike in her voice. She was never going to see them again. Why wouldn’t they just allow her to do this the right way?
“You think we’re going to let you go?”
“Yes. After the baby is born, why would you need me?”
“Because, fucking hell, girl, you’re ours for life. That means forever, Sutton.”