They knew everything about her already, right down to the names of her nieces and nephews.
And it was no longer a case of whether she had the right bloodline or not. They never thought they would find a woman who appealed to them, all three on every level possible.
They wanted her. They were going to take her. She was going to carry their son, and he was going to sit on the throne of the Basilisk Empire, just as was previously scripted. The only thing that was different was thattheyhad done the choosing, and they had chosen her to be their Little Flower.
Maxim sat back in his chair. Fuck, she had no idea just how sexy she was. Every bite she took made his cock grow an inch longer. Her lips were so fucking luscious that the thought of having them stretched when she sucked their cocks while they taught her how to take them down her throat, destroyed him.
He didn’t need to be told that Ezra and Jensen were sitting there as hard as he was, just watching her eat and watching her throat bob as she swallowed. It was part of the ritual. She had to eat all these sweetmeats, and they had to watch her. She didn’t know that she had to seduce them, but even without that knowledge, her innocence turned the blood in their veins into lava.
How fucking lucky were they that she was a virgin after all? The thought of any other man touching her, even when they didn’t know she existed, brought out the psychos in them. And yes, if they wanted to rule the world, be the most powerful, and be the most feared, they had to have some psychotic traits in them. They were not going to apologize for it.
It took her a while to become self-conscious of them watching her. And then, instead of using a napkin to wipe her lips, she stuck her tongue out and licked the sides of her mouth.
Fuck, the girl was going to be the death of them.
They glanced at each other, and it was abundantly clear they were imagining her licking up their cum from the sides of her mouth. She was going to drive them completely insane if they didn’t start touching her soon.
But there was still one more aspect of the breeding ceremony they had to take care of, as prescribed by the scriptures.
The priestesses cleared the engraved wooden table of the food and started replacing it with a multitude of gift-wrapped boxes.
“These are your gifts. It’s a part of the breeding ceremony,” Jensen said.
She touched one of the boxes tentatively, and then a shadow crossed over her gorgeous face… fuck, she was stunning. When they said she had brown hair and brown eyes and was pretty, what they meant to say was that her hair was rivers of lush chocolate silk that cascaded down her back and made him want to thread his hand into her tresses while he laid deep inside her, then pull until she came all around his cock.
Her eyes were a brilliant shade of gold, soft, sultry, and sexy, but there was also a quiet power to them. She was stronger than she looked. She had a fighting spirit deep within her. Those days were over for her now. They were going to fight all her battles for her. All she needed to do was be theirs.
“These gifts were meant for the other girl?” she asked. They all knew where she was going with this.
“No,” Jensen said. “These are gifts we picked especially for you.”
“But you would have bought gifts for the other girl as well?” She asked the question directly to Ezra.
Oh, she was tenacious. And clearly not afraid of Ezra, who had made it clear the topic of the other woman was not on the table anymore. Maxim wondered how quickly she would start obeying him when he took her over his knee and belted her perfectly round ass.
“Yes, we did,” Maxim said.
They could watch her mind working; she was so prettily expressive.
“I think she should get those presents—the ones you already got for her. And I also want to share half of what you’re going to pay me with her, whoever she is.”
“Why?” Ezra asked.
"Because, even though it was by mistake, I took something she should have had. I can’t live with myself otherwise. Please,” she begged.
Holy fucking balls. Her plea registered in every part of their already strained cocks.
“As you wish,” Ezra said, and both Maxim and Jensen knew it had cost him a lot to rescind his word. But then she smiled, and Maxim’s heart lurched. He knew the same thing happened to Ezra’s and Jensen’s hearts when she smiled because they looked at each other then. It was one thing that she made them want her so badly. It was another that when she smiled, she crept into their hardened and cold hearts.
She had really gotten to all of them.