Dressed in tuxedos, power dripping from their pores with as much suaveness as there was lethality, they could easily be mistaken for gods, or rather devils on their thrones.
Oh no. Briella had warned her not to talk to her. Had she broken some sacred protocol by talking to her? Nothing made sense, and she hoped she hadn’t gotten Briella into trouble.
“My lady,” Maxim said, offering her his killer smile and pulling out a chair for her at the table.
Her nerves all bunched up; Sutton lowered herself on the chair, her backside sinking into a soft velvet-covered cushion. She took note of the odd-shaped table. Meant to seat four, it looked like a triangle with one chair at the vertex and the three chairs at the base. She was seated at the vertex, and the three billionaires were seated side by side opposite her.
She couldn’t hide from them. Not one bit.
“Eat. You’re going to need your strength,” Ezra said.
“Every dish is meant to ensure fertility,” Jensen explained as Briella lifted the cloches. She gave the other girl a desperate smile and murmured her thanks.
A kaleidoscope of color and texture burst before her eyes. There were fruits she couldn’t name and didn’t even know existed. Sweets with colors so vibrant and unusual they looked unreal.
“Eat, My Lady,” Briella whispered when Sutton realized all eyes were on her. Swallowing down her nervousness, she picked up something that looked like a cherry and tentatively bit into it. A flood of flavor spilled onto her tongue: syrupy sweetness with a hint of citrus.
She expected there to be a seed in the middle, but there wasn’t. She sampled what looked like a cookie next. It crumbled in her mouth, and she tasted almonds and dates. Next, she brought what she thought was a slice of orange to her lips, only for it to taste like cinnamon.
“I’ve never seen things like this before,” she said before she could stop herself, picking up what looked like a strawberry, only it was white. She had heard about Japanese strawberries before, obviously, but never in her life thought she would taste one.
“Most of the dishes have been prepared with ancient recipes by the priestesses themselves,” Jensen volunteered. “All the ingredients are grown organically in monasteries around the world.”
How fascinating. She took a bit of everything, fully aware that every bite she took was fully scrutinized by them, their gazes darkening as they looked at her lips.
She stopped mid-bite.
Oh god, help her.
This was what she had signed up for. The result would be a ticket to freedom for Laura and her kids.
This was her breeding ceremony.
Chapter Eleven
Maxim Black watched the stunningly beautiful woman sitting opposite them, eating foods that were meant to ensure that when they seeded her, a baby would grow in her belly.
Just the thought of fucking her sweet pussy... of not having to pull out before they came inside her, made his cock three times as hard and infinitely thicker. The same could be said for Ezra and Jensen.
Discovering it was her had been a stroke of pure luck. It had been purely a coincidence that Ezra, who had been on a warpath to find her, was the one to take an elevator with her.
Something about her presence and her scent triggered something inside him. She spiked his dominance, and the instant he had seen her, he had wanted to strap her down and make art on her ass with his hand, his belt, his whip, or his cane. He hadn’t come across any other woman who made him feel that way so instantly.
And then he touched her and slipped his thigh between her legs, mindful that her skirt kept him from feeling her pussy on his thigh, but he was sure it was her.
That was the second time she had taken them by surprise. Could their pretty little virgin really be someone who worked for them? Had she really been right under their nose the whole time?
After Ezra had told them about her, Jensen had done his own reconnaissance by touching the pulse on the throat and smelling her scent. He was good that way. Always so in tune with someone’s physiology. He could tell who was truly remorseful or who just pretended to be remorseful when they were begging him not to end their lives. The ones who showed repentance, Jensen unalived them with more mercy.
He remembered what her pulse had felt like when his cock was inside her, and he was drinking from her nipples. She was the girl. It was already conclusive. But they had to be absolutely sure.
That’s where Maxim came in. He had pinned her to the cabinet, caressing the embossed scar of their branding on the flesh above her pussy. And fuck, feeling the evidence of their ownership of her had made his balls pull tight and his cock scream at him to fuck her right there. And then he tasted her.
She was the one.
Sutton Baxter.
Although, if they hadn’t found her, Maxim thought, the young priestess that she seemed to like so much would have known something about their Little Flower. He had no doubt the council hadn’t questioned her, or they would have known enough about Sutton to know where to find her. He supposed they could be forgiven. Stealth work was their forte.