Page 90 of We Three Kings

I nod my approval to the older woman when she glances at me again. Seraphina isn’t going anywhere so they might as well be comfortable with each other.

I kiss the top of her head and take off. Balthazar has to shore up some things for the business while I have more personal matters to attend to with the new guest in the dungeon.


The knob doesn’t twist in my hand. Cute that Seraphina thinks locking the door will keep me out. I’m a big man and easily push through with my shoulder to the wood.

The guest room is empty, but I know she hasn’t escaped after the housekeeper put her in here for a nap. Exhausted from the conversation with our attorney to reassure her she has nothing to worry about, Seraphina needs to rest.

Although she won’t be sleeping anytime soon. I have more important things to help her get past this situation.

A clean scent permeates the steamy air. The wholesome soapy smell makes my dick throb harder. She’s going to be fresh and ready for me.

I drop down to the side of the bed and wait. The shower shuts off, and the sounds of her moving around makes me want to break down that door as well to see her luscious wet body.


Finally, she steps out, wrapped in a towel that swamps her slim form. When she catches sight of me, she jolts and squeezes the fabric tight around her plump tits. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’m upset with you.”

The words kill me to say, but she needs to understand her mistake and learn from the error.

Her narrow shoulders bunch up, and agony twists her face. “You are?”

A slight panic in her voice proves how desperate she is for approval.


Regardless of how much she denies the fact. “Yes, little one. If you hadn’t pushed us away, you never would’ve ended up in police custody.”

“I’m sorry.”

True remorse shrouds her, and I almost feel bad. Almost. “Come over here and receive your punishment.”

Tears slip down her flushed cheeks. Yet she remains in her spot. I give her one more chance since she doesn’t understand my ways yet. “If I have to tell you a second time, it will be twice as bad.”

The threat is enough to get her feet moving. She hurries to me, stopping when her red-tipped toes brush my boot. I nod my approval, and she gives me a sad smile that disappears instantly when I tug the material from her clenched fingers. “Show Daddy how beautiful you are.”

After a second of hesitation, her grip relaxes, and I groan as the terrycloth falls away. “You’re stunning. Absolutely stunning.”

All my willpower to keep from reaching out and stroking her damp pink skin threatens to crumble with temptation, so easily corrupted from her beauty. Damn.

I force myself to regain control and point to my lap. “Lay down.”

Slow yet obedient, she stares into my eyes as she leans closer, so her thighs touch the side of my leg and bends over.


So unbelievably perfect.

Her sweet pussy on one end and her magnificent breasts on the other, like her torso was made perfectly to fit in the spot.

In no hurry, I lovingly gather her damp hair and push the strands over her opposite shoulder. She trembles against me.

While I enjoy her fear, I also enjoy her pleasure, so I need to calm her down.

I massage over her back with firm strokes, lazily tracing the little bones and caressing down her spine to cup her ass before rubbing upward some more. “Who takes care of you?”