Page 78 of We Three Kings

Smart enough not to ask last night when I told him I was bringing a guest or this morning now that I’m here with a girl young enough to be my daughter, he remains impassive. All he knows is she’s my guest and should be treated like a queen.

“Pleasure to meet you Seraphina.”

“It’s nice to meet you too.”

When her little mitten slips between his fingers, I experience a rage I haven’t felt in years. No man is more loyal to me than him, and he’s been nothing but professional since we pulled up. Yet the thought of him touching her infuriates me.

Maybe he can sense my unease because when I go to yank her back, he releases her and points to Joseph astride the tractor.

“He’s ready to take you out sir whenever you’re ready.”

All of the gloom from me rebuking Tinsel evaporates as she studies the wagon hitched behind him.

“We get to ride on that?”

“It’s a long walk, especially for ten trees.”

Her head bobs furiously. I find myself laughing again as I head to the bin with blankets and grab her one. When I turn around, she’s already scrambling up the metal steps to one of the wooden benches. I climb up too and wrap the cover around her body before I sit next to her.

She frowns at me from my efforts. “Thank you. But what about you?”

“Don’t worry. Once I start sawing, I’ll be plenty warm.”

Doubt furrows her brow although I don’t explain further. My word is final with my little one.

Once we’re settled, Joseph carries us out with us bumping and jostling from the ruts in the road.

“I can’t believe no one else is out here. It’s the perfect day.”

“I shut it down for you.”

Her mouth falls open. “You did?”

Before she can bluster on about the closure being unnecessary, I nod. “I don’t like the crowds. Besides, most of our tree money comes from our commercial farms in Oregon, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Opening up here later than normal won’t hurt anything.”

Another reason I brought her in the back road. If she saw the customers being turned away at the main entrance she would have balked from their disappointment. They can get over it. All I care about is making her happy. Making her mine.

“I had no idea you were farmers too.”

“Only Christmas trees. I’m not milking cows or anything like that.”

My joke works, and she giggles from the image. Glad the concern is behind us, I lean on the sideboard, enjoying the cold and quiet air. There’s a peace out here I’ve missed the past thirty years stuck in an office all day and often half the night.

The ding from her phone kills the reverie, and I growl from the interruption to our day. She digs out the cell and smiles after swiping the screen.

“Balthazar wants to know if I’m having fun.”

“Are you?”

The hoarseness of my voice surprises me. If she says anything butyes, I’ll up the ante to make her happy.

An instant nod and gushing smile match her words. “Between the two of you, I’m having more fun than I’ve ever thought possible.”

Perfect. “Then let him know how happy we’rebothmaking you.”

Her thumbs fly over the glass sending him the message. That I hope he gets the underlying significance just as much.

We roll to a stop. Seraphina jumps up, eager and enthusiastic. I climb down first and offer my hand. Joseph meets us at the back, handing over a razor-sharp silver saw.