Page 34 of We Three Kings

For the first time all evening, Balthazar picks up his buzzing phone and reads the screen. He’s ignored the slew of texts pinging the cell for the last hour as he taught me how to play chess.

I wouldn’t have expected him to be interested in games. But after learning Quinn gave me a set for my birthday but we never had the chance to use the board after Gabriel got sick, he helped me get the box down from the top of the closet and patiently explained the goal and how all the pieces work.

Balthazar’s an amazing teacher, and when he said I impressed him, I almost jumped in his lap again. I love when he’s proud of me.

I also wanted him to know I take his instruction seriously. After he told me that touching me was a distraction, I stayed on my side of the new table.

“I’m sorry angel. I have to go.”

He really looks genuinely sorry, so I try not to show my disappointment. I nod and set my pawn down. It’s almost nine, and he’s listened to me chatter on about my life for hours.

Now he knows I’ve never had a boyfriend before since my foster parents wouldn’t ever let me go out, and I didn’t really have the opportunity to meet anyone living with Bree and Alex. I was only on campus for class.

Casey’s the only guy I’ve ever gone on a date with, and I realize after spending time with Balthazar how a relationship really should be. Is it wrong to be eager to tell Casey I don’t want to see him any more so I can move on with Balthazar?

As soon as he has his coat on, I give him a huge hug. “Thank you for teaching me. I loved it.”

“Fuck if you keep grabbing me like this, I won’t be able to leave.”

My heart flutters in my chest from his hoarse voice. I don’t want him to leave. I don’t want to let him go. But I do. I have to.

I step back and keep my arms down to show I can control myself. I guess he can’t because he steps closer, and his enormous hands slide around my cheeks. He looks down at me like he wants to eat me up.

Even more so, I want him to. I open my mouth to tell him, and he attacks, kissing me bittersweet like honey and fire mixed together as he invades my mouth. My hands curl around his wrists, hanging on for all the pleasure. We both moan, and I feel my clean panties ruined again.

When he sighs against my lips, I flick my tongue to taste him one more time.

His fingers tighten in my braid.

“I’ll put you on your knees if you don’t stop teasing me.”

I am not exactly sure what that means but I want to know. From the sound of his growl, I so, so badly want to know.

I begin to lower myself to the carpet, but he instantly yanks me back up. He smashes me to his body, thick and hot, with his heart racing and his desire hard in his pants. More swear words rip from his mouth until he’s finally silent, only stroking over my hair as he holds me almost too tight to breathe.

“I’ll be back tomorrow. Lock up behind me and I’ll text you later.”

All I get now is a quick kiss to the top of my head and he’s gone. I feel unsettled but I’m not sure why.

He didn’t seem mad, yet it was obvious he was eager to get out of here. Maybe a problem with work, which isn’t good on a Saturday night.

I twist the deadbolt and smile. The device is definitely sturdy. I push against the door, and the wood doesn’t give at all compared to the old one that kind of swayed and creaked if you leaned on the panels.

I feel safe because of him.

The containers from the food he ordered us still sit stacked on the counter. I sort the trash from the recycle, clean off the table, and grab the bag with our candles. He forgot his this time he was in such a hurry.

I light my votive in the bedroom and set it on the nightstand before heading to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I return, the scent of Christmas trees greets me. I’m humming as I put on my pajamas and clean underwear.

My face burns from the thought of the reason why. Balthazar just affects me the way no other man has. It’s unbelievable yet wonderful.

The mattress sinks as I climb in. So plush and luxurious, I feel like I’m floating on a cloud. I roll to my side and watch the flame dance, day—well night—dreaming about him.

Someday he’ll be in this bed with me. I’m simultaneously excited and petrified. Ironic because he’s such a blend too. Gentle but aggressive. Sweet but demanding. Rough but protective.

He says the f-word, but I know he’ll make love to me. I just hope I can be as perfect to him as he is to me. The thought makes my stomach churn. Hopefully he won’t be in here anytime soon because I really have no idea what I’m doing.
