I backtrack my steps in the hallway and join their discussion.
The man has style, I’ll give him that. In a slim fitting navy blue suit with sleek black loafers and a hot pink handkerchief, he sets his own trend and pulls off the look impressively.
However, he also has my sister-in-law slash step-mommy frowning. Which I will end just as impressively.
He gives me a long side glance, showing his appreciation of my awesomeness with a quirked eyebrow before he returns his attention back to her. “I think we want something more sophisticated than that, don’t we? This is a wedding in a mansion, not a potluck in the park.”
Condescending bastard.
Seraphina nods. “I know that but they’re Alex’s favorite, and I want—”
“Well, if we’re actually even going to have potatoes…” He sniffs his disapproval. “…then they should at least be Hasselbeck or Romanoff.”
Strike three motherfucker.
I keep my fury in check and beeline to Seraphina. “Hi baby girl.”
A hesitant smile perks up her pretty face. Although I know she hates to be rescued, I have to. She will not squirm except in happiness.
I gently clutch her delicate hand and lift her fingers for the moron to get a closer look at the eighteen-carat stone. “Ever see a rock like that before?”
Fucker swallows hard. He’s not a fool, catching the antagonistic tone floating in my question.
“No, no I haven’t. It’s gorgeous.”
“So, let me ask you something. As you stand in the middle of a mansion with a beautiful woman wearing an engagement ring like this, who do you think the boss is?”
All the color leaves his handsome face. “Her fiancé.”
Proof he doesn’t understand the power of pussy. “No, friend.” I tip close enough I can smell his enticing cologne. “Sheis.”
“Yes sir.”
He humbles quicker than I expect. Disappointing. I was hoping to have more fun. No more threats are required to keep him in line.
I kiss Seraphina’s temple. Of course, that’s not enough for her. She twists and gives me a huge hug.
“Thank you Melchior.”
“Anything for you.”
After I pat her back a few times, she lets me go. I nod companionly to the man who will be my new toy in the dungeon once the reception ends. “Anything for her.”
I stroll to the kitchen and accept the coffee Mary makes for me without me even having to ask. Seraphina puts her in a good mood too.
When I return to check on the progress my plaything has made pleasing Seraphina, I have to chuckle. She has her little notebook out checking off her list while he scribbles on his tablet. She’s satisfied while he’s terrified.
“Everything good here?”
A genuine smile lights up her face. “Yes, we have their favorites. I know they’re going to love it.”
A bogus grin plasters on his. “I’m thrilled to be of service and that you’re happy Seraphina.”
I wink at him. “Why don’t you just go ahead and call her Mrs. Wiseman.”
Seraphina gasps but he nods. “Yes, of course. I’m glad you’re happy Mrs. Wiseman.”