Page 113 of We Three Kings

If Bree casts doubt in her mind about us moving in together, I’ll have to fight like hell to overcome any reluctance to make us permanent.

I easily navigate the roads this late in the evening since most people are back to their regular schedules of work and school. Proven by the full parking lot at her friends’ apartment, which forces me to park by the office with the only empty spots.

In the bright moonlight, the silhouette of a woman can be seen on their porch. If that’s Seraphina, I’m going to lose my shit. She had better not be out here all alone. I charge in her direction. “Angel?”

My girl bolts to me, grinning and laughing before launching herself at me.

Just as eager, I welcome her sheathed to my body with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms curled around my neck. “What the fuck are you doing out here alone and in the dark?”

Her face falls, killing me that I hurt her with my harsh tone.

“I was watching for you out the window and when I saw your car, I came outside. I missed you.”

Now she probably regrets being excited to see me since I’m such an asshole. “Look at me.”

When she lifts her head, all I see is her frown and downcast eyes that won’t meet mine. “I missed you too, but I don’t want you to put yourself in danger. You are never to be outside by yourself.”

“I…I thought it was okay since it’s a safe neighborhood.”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re too precious to take any risks.”

Now I earn her gaze. “You always want to protect me.”

Not a question. “Yes.”

The realization slams into me like a bus. I’ve been way too careless with her security. Tomorrow I will assign a bodyguard to her anytime my father, brother, or I am not with her. The decision relaxes me, and I finally can adore her the way she deserves. “Let me get you home so I can take care of you.”

“Okay but please walk slow so we can enjoy the snow.”

Absolutely stunning as she tilts back and sticks out her tongue, catching the flakes falling a lot heavier than when I first got here. I approve her request and meander back to the passenger side. My reward is a multitude of kisses all over my face until she finally plants one my lips.

“I’m falling in love with you Balthazar Wiseman.”

My cock, already rock hard, pulses in the cradle of her hips from her whisper. “I’m already in love with you Seraphina Snow.”

Her pupils dilate and her thighs squeeze my torso, her pussy seeking friction of its own accord. “Then please take me home and never let me go.”


I tuck her inside my vehicle, and as soon as I’m in the driver’s seat, she reaches for me. Funny how I was concerned she’d be full of doubt when I came for her and she’s the exact opposite. I entwine our fingers, start the car, and head for the house. “Did you have fun?”

She turns to face me as much as her seatbelt allows the way I relish. “Yes! They got engaged and Bree asked me to be her maid of honor.”

Hopefully, her excitement of marriage is contagious since she’ll be wearing my ring soon. “I’m happy for them.”

“Me too.”

Her other hand wraps around my bicep in her eagerness to tell me all the details, and I realize I need to hire a driver too so I can touch her as much as she wants to touch me.

“They have to host the wedding before the end of the year because of taxes or something for money her grandmother is gifting them for a down payment on the house they’re saving up for. So I told her I would do everything I can to help her.”

“That’s fast.”

“I know but I think we have most of what she wants figured out.”

A growl vibrates in my throat when her hands slide from my body to her little bag. She giggles as if I’m kidding and slides out a little notebook and pen. Official and efficient, she flips the cover and taps on a list covering the paper.

“She wants a simple dress. I’m going to wear emerald green. The flowers are white. They’re going to have a dessert reception, and our friend who owns a bakery is going to bake the cake, cupcakes, and cookies. The only issue is the location. So many places are already booked for the holidays.”