He squints, studying me. "Ya sure? Because ya sure are acting pretty protective of her."
I argue, "They're women. Innocent ones. You heard Alaina. They don't have choices."
He grunts. "Since when do we listen to Alaina about stuff like that? I try to drown her out. I thought ya did too?"
I don't say anything.
He adds, "I'm going to get changed. I'm ready to get in the ring." He steps past me.
My heart beats harder. When everybody comes out of the locker room, I go in it. I grab my bag and keys and don't even change. I move toward the exit, and Tynan steps in front of me. He demands, "What are ya doing, Devin?"
"I'm leaving."
"Ya can't go warn her. Ya heard everyone. Our men are surrounding Coolock."
"I'm not doing anything of the sort," I say, pushing past him. I exit the building and start my car, once again not checking for bombs. I curse myself a few blocks down, realizing I need to stop doing that, or I'm going to get blown up one of these days.
I have to warn her.
I pull over and call Lauren, but she doesn't answer. I call several times, but it goes to voicemail.
I text.
Me: I need to talk to you. It's important.
She doesn't respond.
I get to my flat and pace it, unsure of what to do. Tynan's right. I can't go past our border and into Coolock. There's no way. And even if I could, I can't go to the pub. Too many people would see me. So I try calling Lauren again.
She sends me to voicemail.
"Damn it," I shout and tug at my hair, staring out the window across Belfast.
I shoot her another text.
Me: I need ya to call me right now.
I wait and wait and continue to try calling her. I finally get a text back a few hours later.
Lauren the Enemy: Why are ya contacting me? We said this was over, and it is.
I call her.
She doesn't pick up.
Lauren the Enemy: Don't contact me again. It's over. It's for the best.
Me: I need you to pick up. This isn't about us.
Lauren the Enemy: Then what's it about?
I text again.
Me: Pick up when I call.
I call her again and she answers. The sound of her sweet voice makes my heart swell.
She demands, "What's going on, Devin?"