Me: How are ya feeling?
Lauren the Enemy: No more texts. We can't keep communicating. Delete my number.
I start to write her another message, then erase it.
She's right.
After a few hours of fitful sleep, I finally get out of bed and go to the gym. I do several rounds on the punching bag when Dante Marino, Boris Ivanov, and Killian O'Malley walk into the gym with my brothers. I stop punching the bag, and they approach me.
My sister, Bridget, is married to Dante, but she used to be married to Killian's brother, Sean, before he was murdered. And Boris is married to Killian's sister, Nora. All four of our families have been allies for decades.
"What are ya crazy fuckers doing here?" I slap all their hands.
Killian's eyes turn dark. "Had to take care of some business."
Chills run down my spine. "Meaning?"
"Caleb had the balls to send a crew over to Chicago."
My eyes widen. "Why would he do that? That's suicide."
Killian seethes, "Tried to overpower our men on the docks. Take over our territory."
Dante adds, "He sent another crew to New York, and they surprised us when we opened the containers at the shipping yard."
I jerk my head backward. "He's unable to hold his own territory in Ireland, and he's trying to expand in America? That makes zero sense. He needs all the men he can get here."
No one disagrees.
Tynan declares, "No one claimed Caleb was smart."
Dante's expression hardens. "We took those bastards out, so he wasn't successful. But we need to send him a clear message, and that's what we're going to do."
The hairs on my neck rise. I ask, "How are ya going to do that?"
Boris shifts on his feet and exchanges a glance with Killian.
My gut drops. I push, "Well?"
Killian glances around and steps closer. He admits, "We're taking out his men in Coolock tonight."
My stomach pitches. Lauren's face appears in my mind. I blurt out, "Coolock? Why there?"
Brody answers. "It's prime for the taking. Ya yourself said that. I thought ya'd be happy, bro." He gives me a knowing look, like I'm caught with my hand in the cookie jar.
My pulse skyrockets. I feel sick and wonder if I'm getting whatever Lauren had, but I also know it's not that. I demand, "How are ya doing it?"
Boris crosses his arms. In his Russian accent, he states, "We have over a hundred armed men positioned around the pub and the borders."
"What does the pub have to do with it?" I question, trying to stay calm and not give away my thoughts.
Brody states, "Caleb's got an event at the pub tonight. They'll all be there, making them an easy target to take out."
My mouth turns dry. I know the answer before I ask but hope I'm wrong. "You're going to shoot them in public when they exit the pub?"
Killian sniffs hard. He shakes his head. "No. That would give them time to notify those inside the pub. We'll only have a few minutes to do what needs to be done. Ya know how this works."
I swallow down bile.