She opens her mouth and shuts it, hesitating.
"Emily, I need to find Lauren. Time's of the essence. If I don't find her, Caleb will. Her mum admitted he's looking for her."
Emily shuts her eyes and bites her lip.
"Tell me," I demand.
She slowly opens her eyes and shakes her head. "I shouldn't tell ya anything."
"Ya should," I insist.
"Lauren will kill me."
"It's better than Lauren ending up in a body bag, isn't it?" I warn, but it's not a false warning. Who knows where Lauren is or what's happening. Especially if Caleb is involved.
Emily sighs. "I really don't know where she's at, but she's pregnant."
"Pregnant?" Tynan exclaims.
We didn't use anything.
Oh shit.
I blink a few times.
Emily never takes her gaze off mine.
My gut flips. I ask Emily, "How far along is she?"
Emily stays quiet, continuing to give me the same expression.
My heart races faster. "It's mine?"
Tynan whistles.
I shoot him a dirty look, barking, "You're such a motherfucker."
"Dude, ya should have wrapped your shit," he claims.
"Ya really are an asshole," Emily accuses.
"Aye. He is," I agree.
She refocuses on me. "Ya need to find her. I was hoping she was with ya and ya were taking care of her."
I shake my head. "She's not. But I'll take care of her when I find her."
"Ya—" Emily snaps her mouth closed and exhales through her nose.
She swallows hard then asks, "Ya won't take the baby from her, will ya?"
I furrow my eyebrows. "Why would I take the baby from her?"