Page 108 of Illicit Heir

I step closer. He takes a step back, and I'm happy. Intimidation can be good. I put my hand on the doorframe, holding myself from stepping inside, declaring, "I'm not here to cause trouble. However, if I don't speak to your daughter, there will be. Again. All I want to do is speak to her. So I suggest ya tell me when her shift's over, or I will go in there right now and make a scene. I don't want to get her fired after all."

More hatred spews from his expression, but he finally caves. He glances at his watch. "She's off in an hour."

"Aye, thank ya. Have a good day," I say and nod. I turn and go back to the car.

Tynan and I get in and take off toward the meat packing plant.

"Jesus. He's a fun one," Tynan sarcastically mutters.

"Shut up. Ya need to stop talking. Ya weren't helping matters back there."

"Well, he wasn't really giving anything to us, was he?"

I threaten, "I'm warning ya. You're on my last nerve right now."

"You're the one who said I had to come," Tynan reminds me and slinks down in his seat.

It takes ten minutes to get there. Then I wait another fifteen. Five minutes before Emily's off her shift, I go into the plant.

The foul smell of blood and innards reminds me of when we have body disposal duty.

"Jesus, she really picked the job of all jobs," Tynan comments.

I shake my head and make a fist at my side, threatening, "Ya really are pushing it today."

He gives me another bored glance.

I decide to ignore him and move forward.

A woman with a clipboard approaches us and asks, "Can I help ya with something?"

I answer, "I'm waiting for Emily to finish her shift."

She glances behind her at the row of workers. They all have hair nets and gloves on. Their backs are toward us, so I don't know which one is Emily.

The supervisor refocuses on me. "You're going to have to wait outside."

"Can ya tell her we're here and need to talk to her?" I question.

"I'll tell her when she's off," the lady states.

I decide not to press my luck or make a scene. "Aye, thank ya." I nod and return outside, standing right by the door.

Tynan whines, "Do I really need to be here?"

"Aye, ya do."


"Because she might talk to ya more than she'll talk to me," I admit.

Tynan rolls his eyes. "I told ya my one-night stands are one-night stands. I'm not looking for another go-around. She's a great lass and good in the sack, but I'm not one to string things along. Ya know that."

I groan. "I'm not asking ya to take her to bed. You're only here to help get her to talk."

"Fine," he grumbles.

Another minute passes, and a bell rings through the air. Shortly after, the door opens and a stream of workers exit the factory.