Page 99 of Illicit Heir

"He was! And I don't understand why ya are obsessed with accepting whatever the O'Learys do and not pointing out their flaws."

Her eyes narrow. She claims, "Ya don't know what it was like growing up in the era I did."

"No, I don't, but ya don't have to accept it anymore," I insist.

She closes her eyes briefly, then opens them. "Lauren, I know in today's age, women are more outspoken, and ya all think ya have more choices than I did, but we're clan members born and bred. It doesn't work that way. Ya are a woman. Ya need to understand what that means."

"I do understand what it means, but I'm not going to let them dictate my life and push me around," I declare.

"No. That's why you're going to find Caleb and marry him. He won't let anyone hurt ya," she proclaims.

I cry out, "Caleb will hurt me! He'll probably hurt my baby too. What about that do ya not get, Mum?"

"He won't," she insists.

"He will, and you're just throwing me into the lion's den."

"I'm doing no such thing. I'm telling ya to do what's right so your baby has a future."

"A horrible one if Caleb is involved!"

She glances around the house and frets, "We could end up on the street. What are we going to do then?"

My chest tightens so much I can barely breathe. I don't want Mum to lose her house. I want her to take back the pub and regain her independence and control of her life, but she's so stubborn.

She swallows hard. "We weren't born into an easy life. We have choices. They're not always fun to make, but ya have to look at the best solution. Caleb is it."

"He's not," I firmly assert.

Frustration fills her expression.

I quickly point out, "Even if he was, we don't even know where he's at."

"I already put the feelers out," she announces.

New anxiety plagues me. I mumble, "Mum, ya didn't."

She nods. "I did. Don't worry. I will find him, and when I do—"

"Mum, no! Ya will not tell him I'm pregnant. Ya will not try to arrange anything for me. Do ya understand? If ya do, I'll never talk to ya again," I declare with a tear falling down my cheek. I swipe at it, pissed that I'm so emotional these days, probably because of my hormones, but still.

She insists, "Lauren, it's for the best."

"Mum, no!" I rise and the chair tips over behind me.


"Mum, I mean it. I will never talk to ya again. I will run away, and ya will never see me. Do ya understand?"

"I'm trying to do what's best for ya. You're not thinking clearly. You're just emotional right now."

"No, I'm not. I'm never going back to Caleb. I don't want him. He's a horrible, mean, nasty person. He will end up killing me someday if I do. Do ya not get that?"

Silence fills the air. Mum's expression is full of pity. She can't seem to see the truth about Caleb.

But I know deep down in my gut what will happen if I go to him. Besides, I don't want him touching me.

I want Devin.