He shakes his head. "Not sure, but that's your issue. Like I said, we're on a blokes' weekend. That means we get in the car and decide where to go. And it's Tynan's call. All he said was that he wants to go farther north and will let us know today where he decides to go."
I squint at him.
"What's that look for?" he questions.
"That sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard," I admit.
"Well, my brother's not the smartest tool in the shed, now is he?" Devin claims, his lips twitching.
I put my hand on my hip. "He doesn't seem too stupid to me."
He steps forward, puts his palms over my cheeks, and tilts my head toward him. That expression I can't decipher fills his face again, and he claims, "Lauren, you're overthinking things. I'm on a blokes' weekend. Sometimes it's nice not to have any plans. Have ya ever done that? Not had any plans?"
I contemplate his question, but I can't think of one time in my life I've gone somewhere with no plan.
"Ah, I see," he states.
My defenses perk up. "What does that mean?"
"You're very scheduled, aren't ya, Lauren? Ya haven't lived life to the fullest yet in your youth?"
Somehow I feel like his question's a derogatory remark.
I huff. "Of course I've lived life."
He chuckles. "How can ya? You're what? Twenty-three?"
I stiffen my shoulders. "No, I'm twenty-eight."
Surprise fills his expression. His eyes widen. "You are?"
He really thought I was twenty-three?
He glances down my body and back up to my face until my blood's pumping hot, just like it's been since I laid eyes on him last night.
I confirm, "Yea. I'm twenty-eight."
"I thought ya were twenty-three."
"And how old are ya?"
"Just turned forty."
Shock hits me. I knew he was older, but I assumed he was in his mid-thirties, tops.
"Why are ya looking shocked now?" he asks.
"Isn't it pretty sick that you're okay being with a twenty-three-year-old?" I point out.
He grunts. "No."
"You'd be robbing the cradle a little bit, don't ya think? I mean, ya are, even with me being twenty-eight."
"Is that so?"
"Yea. Do ya always fuck younger women? Is there something wrong with women your own age?"
His eyes turn to slits. "Do ya always fuck older men? Is there something wrong with men your own age?"