Page 27 of Illicit Heir

I stay inside her for a while, loving how she smells, how she tastes with me mixed in her juices, and the soft moans that never seem to stop.

It's a perfect recipe, and my cock grows hard again. I flick faster until she's gripping my hair and circling her hips again, then I retreat, wiping my forearm across my mouth.

She looks at me in question.

I rise and swoop her into my arms.

She shrieks.

I take her to the bed and place her on her back, caging my body over hers.


I quiet her with my mouth, kissing her with everything I have.

She responds, holding me tight and sliding her hand through my hair. She parts her legs and lifts her hips.

I thrust into her, loving her long moan that fills the air.

In three thrusts, we're back in sync, fucking each other as if the only reason we're on Earth is to be together in this capacity.

I kiss her, murmuring between her lips, "You're fucking gorgeous, angel."

She kisses me harder and clasps her arms around me tighter. Her spasms intensify, and she mumbles, "I'm...I'm going to come again, Devin!"

"That's good, angel."

Hesitation crosses her expression.

I freeze, searching her eyes. "What's wrong?"

She opens her mouth and then shuts it.

Panic hits me. I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. "What is it?"

She scrunches her forehead, glancing away.

"Tell me," I demand.

She pins an embarrassed and slightly confused expression on me, answering, "Choke me when I come. Please."

I arch my eyebrows, surprised she's asking me but figuring she doesn't understand why she enjoys it. No one's done it to her before, is my guess.

"Forget I said it," she blurts out.

I slide my palm over her neck. "Don't take statements back when they're things ya like and want." I press my mouth to hers and resume thrusting.

She falls in line on thrust two, and her spasms quickly resume.

I increase the pressure on her neck, staring at her, ordering, "Blink once to keep it like this. Blink three times if ya want more."

She blinks three times, and I almost erupt within her. I barely stop myself and tighten my hold. She can still breathe but barely.

I kiss her for a bit, enjoying every sensation consuming my body, then pull back when I'm sure she's about to go over the edge. I demand, "One or three, vixen."

She blinks three times, and I cut off her air supply, pounding into her at full speed.

We come at the same time. Endorphins dump into my system, sending me into a new high.