"Don't, angel me!" I shout and walk out of the room. I go into the den, then freeze.
"It's time ya got married. You're getting too old," Tully, Devin's father, says to Tynan. He arrived yesterday, claiming he wanted to see his grandbaby. He seems just as unhappy as I am that my son's not here.
The strange thing about Tully is that I like him. I already trust him. He's kind, and it's confusing to me because I don't expect anyone in the clan that's male to be nice, but he is. He's made an effort to try to get to know me. And according to Alaina and Scarlet, he did the same thing when he met them.
"Oh! Sorry to interrupt," I blurt out.
Tully and Tynan jerk their heads toward me.
"It's okay. Come in," Tully says, motioning to me.
"No, it's okay," I say.
He insists, "No, please sit down. I'm almost done with this conversation anyway." He scowls at Tynan.
Tynan mutters, "That makes two of us."
I take a few steps toward the sofa.
He looks at Tynan again. "I mean it. Ya can't stay a playboy forever."
"Whatever. I'm done with this conversation," Tynan grumbles and shoves past us.
Tully points, ordering, "Have a seat, Lauren."
My heart beats faster. I ask, "Am I in trouble?"
"No, of course not." He picks up his cigar and doesn't light it but moves his thumb over it, stroking it. It's something I've noticed he does quite a bit.
"Don't smoke in here," Devin warns, entering the room.
"I know the rules," he barks.
I bite my lip. It's an ongoing fight between all the brothers, Alaina, and Tully. They always remind him not to light up his cigar in the house and go out onto the porch they deemed his smoking area.
Tully locks eyes with me. "I just got a phone call that you'll be happy about."
Hope rises within me. "Have they found my son?"
He nods, smiling.
"Maeve's on her way?" I question, not believing it.
I glance at Devin, then back at Tully. Then I ask, "You're going to punish her, right? There needs to be consequences for what she's done to me and my son, just like with my mum.
His face falls. He declares, "No. She did exactly what she was supposed to do. Why would I punish her?"
"What do ya mean she's done what she's supposed to? She was supposed to be here days ago. My son—your grandchild— has been missing for over seventy-two hours."
Tully shakes his head. "No, he wasn't missing. He was with Maeve the entire time. She had to hide. She did everything correctly. You'll see."
"Then why isn't she here?"
His voice sharpens. "Because they were chasing her. But now, she's with our men. They're escorting her here, and she's happy to have their protection. She risked her life for your son—my grandson. So we will not punish her. Do ya understand?"