"So ya know it's your son, right?"
More rage flares in me. "Of course I do, lass. Now spit out whatever it is ya know."
She blurts out, "Lauren doesn't want me to tell ya anything."
Hurt and confusion fill me. Surely she doesn't want to stay with Caleb? Or does she?
I question, "Why? She doesn't want to be saved?"
Maeve shakes her head. "She thinks it'll make it worse. That there's no saving her and her son. Is that true, or do ya think you can?"
My mouth turns dry. I tap my finger on the table and lower my voice. "Come hell or high water, I will get possession of my son and Lauren. So whatever it is ya know, ya need to tell me."
"Will ya take the baby from her?"
I stiffen. "Is that what she thinks?"
"Her mum told her that."
"So? Her mum's the same evil bitch who told Caleb she was pregnant."
Maeve asks, "So ya won't take her son from her?"
"Ya mean my son?"
Maeve's face darkens.
Tynan puts his hand over Maeve's.
She inhales sharply and refocuses on him.
He claims, "Lass, no one in our clan is taking her baby from her. Now tell us what ya know. Time's ticking."
Maeve pulls her hand out from under his and glances behind her. Then she looks back at me, admitting, "I overheard my father talking to Caleb's men."
"And?" Tynan prods.
"He's going to force Lauren to marry him."
Horror fills me. It's not the first time an O'Leary has forced someone down the aisle. Scarlet's only with Aidan because she was forced to marry Tommy and he rescued her.
My gut churns faster. Who knows what Caleb's threatening to do to the baby. And I know what happens to those women. They have no choice in the ceremony and how other men will speak for them during their vows.
I swallow the bile moving up my throat, demanding, "Where?"
Maeve slides a piece of paper across the table. "The details are all here. You'll help her, right?"
"It's probably a trap," Tynan states.
Maeve glares at him and seethes, "It's not a trap."
"Sure it's not," Tynan adds.
She questions, "Why would I want to trap ya?"
"You're an O'Leary," Tynan says in disgust.