"And ya believed him?" Alaina questions. "Ya know how he is. Why would ya ever believe anything that he says? He's full of lies."
Her mum just cries quietly.
"If there's nothing else ya have to add to this, get out of here," I order.
Her eyes dart between Alaina and me.
I assert firmer, "I said get out. You're not welcome here."
Kathleen finally caves and quietly walks past me, not saying a word.
"One more thing," I call out.
She spins and arches her eyebrows.
"If anything happens to my son or Lauren, you're the one who's going to pay for it."
Three Weeks Later
"Push. Come on, Lauren, you can do it," the doctor encourages.
More pain fills me. I've been in labor for the last twenty-four hours and never felt so tired or hurt so badly.
"One more," the doctor claims.
Another cramp hits me, and I push with everything I have, screaming in pain.
"Again!" he orders.
Tears drip off my chin, and I cry out, "I can't!"
"Ya can! Now do it," the doctor commands.
A nurse holds my hand. She's the only other person in the room and adds, "Last one. Almost there, Mum."
"It hurts. I can't breathe. I... Oh Jesus." I moan as more pain fills me.
"Push, push, push," the doctor yells.
Somehow, I manage to do it. I swear a watermelon passes through my lower bits, almost making me pass out. Then a wail rings through the air.
"It's a boy," the doctor proclaims, holding up the baby.
His cries intensify.
I stare at him, muttering in awe, "He's so tiny."
"He's at least seven pounds," the doctor claims.
I hold my arms out. "Give him to me."
The nurse strokes my head. "Shush, now. We have to clean him up."
"Just give him to me," I repeat, afraid they'll take him from me. All I've heard in the last few weeks since Caleb kidnapped me is his threats. Over and over, he used the baby to scare me.