Page 141 of Illicit Heir

I freeze, gaping at her.

She studies me and confirms, "It's a boy."

A chill runs through me. "She's having a boy?"

The woman smiles and tears up again. "Yea."

I take a deep breath and assert, "I'll make sure they're taken care of, I promise."

"Ya better," she warns.

I nod and turn to leave but stop. I spin, adding, "I hope your husband's okay."

Her eyes glisten again. She doesn't say anything and walks away from me back toward the room.

I leave the hospital and pick up the phone, calling Brody.

He answers, "Devin, where are ya? I've been calling ya all night."

I blurt out, "Caleb has Lauren, and he knows it's my baby."

Silence fills the line.

Brody clears his throat. "Where are ya?"

"On my way back. I need as many men as we can get."

"For what?" Brody asks.

"To go to Dublin."

"Ya can't just storm down there," he declares.

"I can and I will," I claim.

"No, we need a plan. The last thing ya want to do is something that gets her or the baby injured."

I snarl, "He's already hurt her. He slapped her. Who knows what else he's done with her?"

Brody sighs. "Devin, get back here. Alaina and I will figure out a plan."

"We don't have time for your plans. I need to get her out of Caleb's control," I insist.

"We have men inside who—"

"Samuel's dead."

"What are ya talking about?" Brody demands.

I pull my phone in front of my face, find the video Caleb sent me, and forward it to my brother. "Watch." A few minutes pass, and I can hear the video playing on the phone.

He stops it and orders, "Ya need to come home. We'll figure out how to retrieve her, but ya can't go down there alone. And we can't send men to meet ya. We need a strong plan so no one gets hurt."

"He has her and my baby," I say again, as if Brody doesn't know.

"Get home. That's an order. Don't ya dare do anything stupid. If ya do, you'll get Lauren and the baby killed. Think before ya do something ya can't undo." He hangs up.

I toss the phone on the seat next to me, frustrated, angry, and annoyed at the world. I debate about what to do.