Page 138 of Illicit Heir

"Now go take a shower," Caleb's voice orders the moment I set the fork down.

I obey, happy to escape the empty plate reminding me what I just ate.

I go into the bathroom and scrub my body five times, trying to wash away all the filth Caleb's subjected me to. I've never felt so violated, but nothing helps.

When I finish brushing my teeth, he appears. He holds a towel out for my hair and one for my body. He announces, "There's a dress on the bed. Put it on. Your mum's here."

A burst of hope fills me.

Maybe she can talk sense into Caleb and get me out of here.

What am I thinking?

She will. She's my mum.

I dry off, go into the bedroom, and put on the dress while Caleb's beady eyes watch me. When I'm clothed, he escorts me through the house, down the stairs, and into a sitting room.

My mum's standing at the window. She spins. "Lauren, oh, thank Jesus Caleb found ya."

She runs over and pulls me into her arms, but I shove her back, resisting the urge to hug her. Letting my anger flow, I seethe, "How could ya have told him?"

She stares at me and puts her hand on my cheek. "Why are ya so ungrateful, Lauren? This is who we are. You're meant to be Caleb's wife."

"Mum, ya don't know what you've done."

"I've given ya your birthright. The position will give ya everything ya could ever want in this world."

I scoff. "Are ya kidding me?"

Her eyes darken. "Ya should be grateful. You'll have more than I ever had. More than I could give ya."

Any part of me that thought maybe my mum could help me or that she wouldn't be the one who really did this to me disappears.

How can she care about me when this is now my destiny?

She went against all my wishes, didn't listen, and insisted that Caleb was the one for me, even though I told her all the horrible things he did to me. And now she stands here continuing to believe this is best for me?

I shake my head. "Don't come back here."

Horror fills her face. "What are ya talking about?"

"I want nothing to do with ya."

She stands in shock. "Ya don't know what you're saying, Lauren."

"I do. Now, get out!" I scream, pointing at the door.

She doesn't move.

Caleb claps, laughing. "Bravo. Bravo."

Mum and I turn to him in question.

He states, "Kathleen, ya heard your daughter's wishes. You're no longer welcome in this house."

My mum gapes at him. "Caleb, ya don't mean—"

"Sure, I do. After all, ya told me ya wanted me to be good to your daughter, right? If that's what she wants, that's what she gets."