I take it and breathe deeply, imagining I'm somewhere else besides the shelter. There's been so many times I've questioned whether I should have left Coolock or not. But deep down, I know this has to be better than getting in the grasp of Caleb or having the O'Connors take my baby.
Yet I can't shake the anxiety over my pregnancy and the reality that this lifestyle isn't healthy for the baby or me. But I don't know what my other options are.
I remember my manners and offer, "Thank you."
Dominick peers at me and snaps, "I know where I've seen ya."
"Oh?" I question.
He nods. "At the train station a couple of weeks ago. It was nighttime. Ya seemed a little bit lost."
I don't say anything, a little embarrassed as I recall the event.
His face falls. He glances around, then refocuses on me. "What's a lass like you doing in here?"
"Dominick," Annie reprimands.
He slides his hand behind my waist, and to my surprise, I don't flinch. He moves me over into a corner, and Annie follows. He claims, "Lass, you're too sweet of a girl to be in this place. Why are ya homeless?"
"Dominick, ya can't ask things like that," Annie scolds, following us.
"It's okay," I state. I shrug. "I just am."
He looks at me and then at Annie. She smiles bigger, and he refocuses on me, squinting. He asserts, "I reckon you're a good worker."
"Yea, I am. I've been trying to find a job, but it's hard when you don't have an address to put down on applications."
He continues assessing me and I try not to shrink back. Then he announces, "We've been saying we need someone to help out." He glances at Annie.
"What do ya mean by help out?" I ask.
Annie nods at him.
He turns back to me. "We own a bed-and-breakfast. We can't offer a lot above room and board. And it's not much of a room. It used to be a storage closet, but it's big enough for a bed and a couple of personal items. We can make sure you're fed and have a roof over your head in exchange for your employment. You'd help keep the bedrooms tidy and the guests happy, as well as help Annie out in the kitchen. Is this something you'd be interested in?"
I gape at him.
Is he really offering me shelter and a job?
Annie chirps, "I think ya surprised her."
I turn toward her. "Are ya really offering me a job?"
She softly laughs. "Let me introduce ya to my husband, Dominick. He can be overwhelming, but his heart is always in the right place."
I blurt out, "Do ya always take strays off the street?"
He grunts. "Ah, but ya aren't a stray, are ya? We've already met. We go way back to the train station." His eyes light up, and he winks.
A warmth I've not felt in a very long time fills me. I blink hard and get teary-eyed.
"Now, now, lass. No need for that," Annie says, putting her arm around me.
I sniffle. "Thank ya for your kindness. I would love to take the job if you're serious about it. Please."
"Okay, but like I said, lass, we don't have much money to pay ya."
"It's okay. Room and board are fine."