I ring the bell. A few seconds pass and the door creaks open. An old man wrinkles his forehead and asks, "Can I help ya?"
"Aye, I'm looking for Emily."
He looks a bit sick, frail, but I'm not sure. He narrows his eyes. "Why are ya asking for my daughter? I don't know ya. I've never seen ya."
"My name's Devin O'Connor and this is my brother, Tynan."
Her da's eyes widen. "Then what do ya want with my Emily?"
I hold my hands in the air. "We come in peace. I just need to ask her some questions about Lauren." My statement doesn't help the situation.
Anger flares on his face, and strength takes over the weakness. He declares, "Ya should leave my niece alone as well. Ya have no business knowing anything about any of these lasses."
Tynan barks, "Listen, old man, we don't have much time."
"Shut up," I firmly tell my brother. He snaps his mouth shut and looks bored.
Emily's da sneers at both of us.
I try again. "Sir, we need to speak with Emily. Now, I'm not here to make your life hard or to do anything bad. I promise ya that. I just need to talk to your daughter."
"She's not here," he declares.
"Then where is she?"
"She's at her new job," he admits.
"Where's that?"
"The meat plant."
"Why is she working there?" Tynan questions.
Red rage fills her da's face. He seethes, "Because you lot took over the pub. Ya stole it from them."
"They were offered it back," Tynan states.
"Shut up," I say to him.
Shock fills the old man's face. "What do you mean they were offered it back?"
I give my brother a dirty look, warning him that he better shut his mouth going forward.
"Well, what did ya mean by that?" her da presses.
"Alaina offered Lauren and her mum the pub back."
"Under what terms?" he questions.
I confess, "They had to make an oath to the O'Connors."
"Just had to make an oath to the O'Connors? Just that easy, isn't it?" he asks.
Jesus, is everybody in this family pigheaded like Kathleen?
I sigh and scrub my face. "Time's of the essence here. How long is Emily's shift?"
He shakes his head. "None of your business."