Page 101 of Illicit Heir

One of the barmaids, Rebecca, gapes at me. Satisfaction and arrogance then fill her expression. She chirps, "Well, Lauren Byrne. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Shut up," I say, then go to the staircase door.

She shouts, "Ya can't go up there."

"I can do whatever I want," I declare. I open the door, then shut and lock it behind me. I walk up the steps, feeling nostalgic, and get to the landing. I take a deep breath and open the door.

When I step inside, my heart beats faster. I glance around the tiny space, staring at my empty apartment, except for the furniture.

My gut drops. Devin is nowhere to be seen.

I go into the bathroom, and he's not there either. Every hope that I have fades. It withers and dies, and I feel more hopeless than ever.

That's when I realize I had false hope thinking I could talk to Devin and he would make everything better. It was foolish to think he would protect and take care of the baby and me.

What was I thinking?

He's gone, and my mum's right. He needs to stay away, but I can't go with Caleb either.

I sit on the bed and start sobbing, scared, unsure what to do, knowing that my mum will find Caleb. She can always find anyone in the O'Leary clan. She has connections because of my uncle Tommy. Once she finds him, I don't trust that she's not going to convince me in a moment of weakness to let Caleb take care of us. Or she might just tell him behind my back because she thinks she knows best.

My fear hits a new high. I feel like there are no decisions to be made. I turn over on the bed, crying into the pillow, and fall asleep for a few hours. Then I wake up to my phone buzzing.

I glance at it and see several missed calls from my mum. I open my text messages.

Mum: Where are ya, Lauren?

Mum: Ya need to respond to me, Lauren. I'm going to put feelers out for ya.

Mum: Last warning.

Me: I'm fine, Mum. My phone was in my wallet. I'll be home shortly.

Mum: Where are ya?

Me: Nowhere exciting.

Mum: You're with him, aren't ya?

Me: No. I've not seen him since our house, and I'm not lying. Don't ask me again about it.

Mum: I have good news for ya.

The hairs on my arms rise. A sinking feeling fills me.

Me: About what?

Mum: I found out where Caleb is hiding.

Panic fills me to the point I feel crippled. I can't let her bring Caleb around me.

What am I going to do?

A new pressure fills me. I glance around my flat, but no answers come. I get up and start to pace. I get another text.

Mum: We'll leave tonight to go to him. We don't have to tell him about the baby immediately, but it'll be good for you two to see each other.

I stare at the text message, unable to comprehend that she did this after I've insisted I want nothing to do with him.