Page 76 of The Penitent

“You hurt my family,” she says. “You hurt countless innocent women. You hurt me. Now I’m going to hurt you in our name.”

“Willow,” I start, because I don’t want his blood on her hands. I won’t allow it.

“It is my due, Azrael.”

She is right. Hell, she’s due more than this. I shift his wrists to one hand and, knowing what she’ll do, I grip his hair and tug his head backward with the other.

Willow’s eyes meet mine over Caleb’s head. I nod and hold him still as she dips the tip of the blade into the water and slowly, and with great care, carves not a cross but a crescent moon into his forehead. Caleb, the coward, screams. He screams so loud the sound echoes after he stops.

“This is for all of those women and girls you hurt, you piece of shit. This is for all the families you destroyed.”

Willow’s knuckles are white around the hilt of the dagger and I see the emotion in her damp eyes. I see what it’s costing her because at her core, she is not violent. She is loving, caring. She is the opposite of him. So, I draw Caleb away and close my hand over hers to lower it, hugging her to me as she weeps for herself, and for all the others.

As her tears subside, she draws away and nods and I give my attention once more fully to Caleb Church. This time, when I dunk his head beneath the water, I don’t let him up. Not when he stops struggling. Not when the bubbles vanish and the water stills. Not when piss runs down his leg and pools at his feet. I don’t let him up until his body is limp and boneless.

And once it’s over, I drop him to the ground, the dagger with him, and I take my wife home.

I take my wife home to heal. For us to begin anew.



“Morning.” Azrael’s lips brush against mine as I begin to stir from sleep.

My eyes are heavy, the lids unwilling to open even as his kiss pulls me from a peaceful slumber. I groan in protest, clinging to him the way I always do in bed.

“Are you ever going to get up?” he murmurs.

“You only have yourself to blame for this,” I remind him.

This pregnancy fatigue has been no joke. Between that and the emotional purge and processing everything that’s happened since our union, I’ve been napping more than I’ve been awake.

Azrael has been nothing but supportive, always checking in to see if there’s anything else he can do to make me comfortable. He makes sure I’m fed, gives me massages every night, and treats me like a queen. He also treats me like his favorite toy when the situation warrants it.

While his wound healed, he built up so much restless energy he’s been inventing new ways to purge it at every opportunity. We’ve christened many areas around the property, bringing new life to the place, as he likes to say. But now that my belly is rounding out, my days of running through the forest are over, and he’s finding different methods to take care of me. Specifically, waking me up every day with a reverent mouth and tongue.

I’m not complaining.

“I can’t say that I’m sorry.” Azrael kisses his way down between my breasts, pausing to appreciate them before he palms my belly. “You’re beautiful like this.”

He tells me as much every day, never failing to be awed by the fact that he’s claimed me this way. Before long, we will have a child together.

Slowly, I force my eyes to open, squinting against the sun's bright light. When I set my gaze upon his, warmth blossoms in my belly. I didn’t think it was possible to love him any more than I already did, but that love continues growing every day, and without any obstacles between us, the bond that tethers us has become unbreakable. This I know in my heart and soul. Together, we broke the curse. Together, we have created life, and our legacy won’t be one of tragedy but hope.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” I arch a brow at him.

A lazy smile curves his lips as amusement dances in his eyes. “If I start that now, we’ll never leave the room. I have something I want to show you.”

I groan again, being extra dramatic. “But it’s so comfy here.”

“Trust me. It will be worth it.” He leans over me, his chest brushing against my nipples as he gives me a quick kiss then retreats.

“You did that on purpose.” I sit up resentfully.

Azrael laughs and shrugs, not even trying to deny it. He never does. The man has no shame. I watch him walk to the bathroom, the muscular globes of his bare ass on full display. He no longer bothers to sleep with clothes on since he knows I will just peel them off.