Page 38 of Scorned

Chapter Twenty-Two


“What is this magic?” Charlie mumbled, her voice husky, her body languid as the tension surrounding her aura melted away.

“Just something I picked up in my travels.” I was going for nonchalant, but I heard the lust in my voice, the desire to continue this massage up her calf, to her thigh, then onward. I could only hope she didn’t sense how horny I was.

After last night though…in a dream that had started benign enough—a chase in the woods with a wolf who seemed familiar then led to other, more interesting things with a very human version of Charlie… Well, how could I keep my thoughts from turning all lusty and my dick from straining against my pants? After last night, I finally understood what Levi had been saying. Charlie had called me into her fantasy, into her dream world, and I was very interested in following that up with some real-life action.

The vibe she was giving told me that she didn’t know that I knew. She was assuming I couldn’t remember, and I wanted to keep it that way…at least for now. I didn’t want to scare her off when she was letting me touch her, even if it was only her feet.

Very fine feet, with honey skin and firm ankles, long toes, which would be great for sucking—

Play it cool, Johnny.

I wanted her with me today. I wanted her to get so used to me by her side that she couldn’t possibly let me go.

I took pride in the fact that her perma-frown was gone for now and that she liked me touching her in this moment. She was relaxed, her defenses down. Time to strike.

“I was thinking that you’d probably like to get out of this house for a while.” I didn’t look at her as I said this, instead focusing on melting her with my finger prowess.

She moaned against the pressure that I applied to the ball of her foot, targeting the solar plexus and hopefully dissolving the last of her headache and any lingering tension between us. I wasn’t sure if she’d even heard what I said so I tried again.

“I’ve got a car waiting.” I moved to her other foot. “We could go do some retail therapy, get you some clothes and whatever else you need…or want. You didn’t bring any luggage, and I’m going to guess you don’t love wearing the same clothes every day—not that I don’t like the outfit. Leggings are definitely appreciated and look fantastic on you, but you probably want a little variety. I’ve been itching for a spree,” I babbled, unable to stop a torrent of thoughts, because I really, really wanted her to stick with me so I could grow on her. “I mean, Kane has amassed a small fortune. We should indulge.”

She stiffened, and I cursed myself for getting carried away. I sometimes wished I would learn when to quit before I talked myself into a problem. Why would I bring up Kane when I wanted her all to myself?

I looked up, giving her my best lopsided grin.

“Don’t tell me you hate shopping.” I winked. “That might kill me.”

“I have my own money.” She pushed herself up onto her elbows.

Right, because a woman like Charlie wasn’t going to want anything that looked like charity.

“Of course you do.” I took the cue and released her foot but stayed put, even though her eyes were narrowed like she suspected I might lull her into submission with another foot rub. It was tempting. I definitely could get her to say yes to just about anything with the right kind of massage.

We weren’t there yet, no matter how badly I wanted us to be. “But wouldn’t it be more fun to spend Kane’s carefully squirreled-away cash?”

She cocked an eyebrow and pursed her lips like she disapproved, so I was surprised when she nodded. “Yeah, I bet that would burn his ass.”

“He would not be amused.” I laughed and she quirked a smile. “He worked you pretty hard yesterday, right?”

“Relentlessly.” She swung her legs to the side of the bed. “I heard a rumor that Kane is a billionaire.”

“Barely,” I scoffed. “But yeah, he is. We are. I mean, it’s clan money. Your money, too.” I raised a hand when she started to protest. “If you become alpha, I mean.”

She seemed to bat that idea away with a smirk, and it made me wonder if she had plans of her own where we were concerned. I mean, of course she had plans, but I was thinking that maybe she was just appeasing us until she got her footing. It was obvious she didn’t fully buy what we were selling and didn’t believe she could lead the pack, but she was also calculating something, and it was damn intriguing. Maybe she had an exit strategy or maybe she wanted to use us to get revenge on her brother. What she didn’t realize was that using us got us what we wanted, too, and might make it harder for her to walk away in the end.

If she ran, I’d definitely have to chase her, and she couldn’t deny she loved the hunt.

“I’m supposed to meet Levi for another research marathon this afternoon.” She gave an exaggerated kind of sigh, lifted her hand as if to rub her head then thought better of it and got up instead. “I guess if we’re going to shop, we should do it now.”

“So, I’m invited?” I got up, too, smoothing my khakis so I wasn’t looking like a fool ready for a flood.

“Do I really have a choice?” She softened her words with an eyeroll and a grin. “You’ve got the bank card, right?”

I patted my pocket where my phone lived. “That I do.”