Page 32 of Scorned

I could only watch, trapped in a cage behind the scenes, lacking any control to rein her in, a downfall of the masters’ teaching. When I’d learned how to cage her, she’d learned how to cage me, too.

Kane might have been smaller and weaker, but he was still using his brain, and it was clear that he had a plan.

He somehow ended up behind her, on her back, his forearm hooked around her throat just as she had done to him, except he had a better hold. My beast clawed at his arms, tearing open wide swaths, but he didn’t relent. His hot breath was in her ear, his muscular arm putting pressure on her bulging carotid so black streaks invaded her vision.

I pushed against the mental cage holding me back, gaining ground with her distraction.

She dropped her upper body forward, trying to fling him off her back, but he had his legs wrapped under her arms, squeezing her chest so that it took effort to breathe. He was a leech, suctioned to her, giving me a chance to regain control.

Was that his plan all along?

She reached up with a gnarled hand and gripped his head, digging claws into his scalp, ready to twist his neck, but darkness clouded her awareness, and suddenly I was thrust forward, my body transforming back to human just as my knees hit the dirt then my face thudded right after.

“You have no control over yourself,” Kane said into my ear as he released his hold on my throat, keeping me from passing out but also preventing me from getting up right away. The heat from his body against my back reminded me of other times with Kane—times when he had been moving behind me, radiating warmth, teasing me, times when I hadn’t known if he was about to spank my ass or thrust his cock deep inside, times that I’d longed for in between dreams, wishing that this fantasy man was real.

I let out a shuddering breath, my beast subdued and locked away once again.

“We’ve got work to do.” Kane huffed before untangling himself from me. “You’re in no shape to meet the pack, let alone lead them.”

I knew he was right. “That’s what I tried to tell you.” I wasn’t fit to lead.

“Get up.” He leapt from my back, a hand out to help me up. “No rest for the wicked, and you’ve got a shitload of unlearning to do.”