Page 20 of Scorned

I opened my mouth to demand an answer when Levi spoke. “Twenty million.”

I couldn’t help it. I gasped.

“We overbid to ensure we’d get you.” Kane’s voice rumbled through my shock.

“Overbid?” My world tilted. “Sal was auctioning—?” I choked on my next words. My legs wobbled. I sensed Levi moving closer, like he was ready to catch me if I fell. I locked my knees. No way I was going down again, especially not in front of these guys. It was bad enough I’d passed out in Levi’s arms.

“He had a price on your head. Started a bidding war for possession. If you hadn’t come back on your own, you would have been hunted down and captured.” Levi moved his arm, reaching out to touch me, to comfort me.

I took a step away, swallowed my shock and straightened my spine. “Well, you’ve wasted your money, because I won’t submit to you or anyone else.” I knew what this meant. Sal had sold me off with the intention of taking me out of the game once and for all. If I was marked by a male, I would become nothing more than a breeding machine.

Like hell!

“I’m leaving.” I moved toward the door.

“If you walk out of here, you’ll be unprotected,” Kane said, his words dropping like rocks in a puddle. “Sal will find out. He’ll send wolves to get you. We won’t be there to rescue you again.”

“I’ll take my chances.” I kept walking. Fuck Sal, and fuck these guys, too. I didn’t need rescuing. I needed revenge.

“Always looking for trouble,” Kane said. “You’re aching for punishment, aren’t you, woman?”

I froze. His tone, his voice, those very words ringing deep in my mind like I’d heard it all before, just in a different context. A flash of memory had me kneeling in front of him, my ass on fire from his meaty palm and his cock glistening, just out of reach of my hungry mouth. I shook my head, dislodging the intrusive thought. My cheeks flared with heat.

Levi said I’d beckoned all three of them to me, that I’d tormented them in my dreams for three years. I didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence seemed to be piling up in my head. I couldn’t deny the truth of his words. These men were somehow part of my life. I just wished I knew how or why I’d called them to me.

“Sal violated the vow his clan had with me. I’m planning on making him pay for that. I have no interest in becoming your breed wolf.” Just so we’re clear.

“Our destinies are entwined, Charlie,” Levi said, his infuriatingly calm voice sinking deep, making me stop walking.

“So you say.” I turned to face him, startled to see him close behind me. “There’s no proof that you’re right.”

“You remember me.” He shifted closer, and damn it if I didn’t sway his way. “You said so yourself. You know we’ve been together. You called to us, Charlie. You pulled us into your dreams. Deny it all you want, but you know it’s true.”

“You’re right. I can’t deny it.” I kept my gaze on him, not wanting to complicate things by looking at the other two. I might have fucked them in my dreams, but I wouldn’t follow through in real life. I wasn’t the wolf they were looking for. “I wish I could undo what I’ve done, but I can’t. I won’t fulfill the destiny you think I have with you, not when it gets in the way of what I need to do now.”

It was obvious to me that Sal knew about my werebeast and that he was trying to remove me from the game. I took that as both a threat and an invitation. There was going to be hell to pay.

“What we want is for you to rise up and be the alpha you’re meant to be,” Johnny said, an edge of exasperation in his voice. “What your father wanted you to be.”

I stared at Johnny, unable to do anything else. My whole body was frozen, my breath stuck, my heart in my throat.

What did he just say?

Dad’s voice rumbled through my mind. “You, my darling daughter, will grow up to rule these wolves…all of them. Not just my clan, your clan, but every clan. You were born to be a queen.”

Fantasy words. Fairy tale beliefs.

I shuddered, sucking in a halting breath.

Johnny moved closer. So bold. “Charlie, what we want is for you to become the werewolf you’re meant to be. A queen to the beasts.”

“The avenging female to vindicate those who have been scorned,” Levi added.

I shifted my gaze to him, disbelief rocking through me.

“There’s a prophecy attached to our family,” Kane said, his voice guttural and distant, like he was still talking to the moon instead of me. “We believe you are the one who is meant to lead this pack. You are meant to rise up and dominate our world—you as the beast you’re fighting for control.”

I broke away from Levi’s eyes, deep oceans that threatened to drown me—Johnny’s flashing quicksilver, confirming his brother’s conviction, then Kane’s as he turned from the window, his eyes glowing amber and full of heat.

“You are the one we were born to serve.”