Page 11 of Scorned

Chapter Five


“This is not what we agreed on.” I fought to keep my voice calm as I walked past the shitshow that was unfolding in Sal’s office. “Remove that collar.” My voice came out rumbling, and each of my steps landed like an earthquake. I wanted to rip Sal away from Charlotte. I wanted to tear his limbs from his body. I wanted to eat his heart.

Sal straightened from his crouch, and I caught a glimpse of Charlotte. Her eyes were wild and stormy, shooting hate like daggers. It calmed me, her anger. She was exactly what I’d hoped she’d be—enraged, ready to fight. Worthy of my plans for her.

“You don’t know her like I do, Kane.” Sal nudged her with his foot, risking it being bitten off. She lunged for him, despite the obvious pain she was in. He laughed as he stumbled back. “See? She’s practically feral.”

“She’s mine now.” I gave him a taste of his own tone—forceful, arrogant, in control—commanding him to pay attention. “I am the only one who will collar her—”

“Kane.” Sal used his alpha voice, the one he thought demanded authority. It was low, deep, but underneath it was a volatility that made him weak. He’d been ousted from this clan before. He knew he wasn’t fit to rule. “While we are in my domain, you’ll do as I say. Don’t get ahead of yourself, my friend. We aren’t on equal footing.”


I held his stare and watched as his wolf instincts poked through, his eyes flashing a deeper blue than before, warning me. My internal wolf lifted its head and took notice. It wasn’t worth the confrontation, not right now. I urged my shoulders to relax, along with my expression.

I would allow Sal to believe he had won this round.

“I’ve been wondering what your plans are for her,” Sal said as he straightened his sleeves and adjusted his tie. “I hope not den mother, because that didn’t work out too well for her before.”

Charlotte hissed something that sounded like ‘shithead’, but I couldn’t be sure. Either way, Sal glared at her. His disdain for female werewolves was well known, but seeing the expression on his face was like watching a snake stalking easy prey. He was too stupid to realize that he was the one in danger.

“With all due respect, Sal, my plans for Charlotte are not ones I want to share—not at the moment anyway.”

A grotesque grin broke on Sal’s face. “Of course, she’s yours to use as you wish. If she weren’t family, I’d enjoy making use of her, too.” He licked his lips, his meaning clear…and disgusting.

Charlotte attempted to lunge in his direction again, but the collar kept her down. Her whole body shook, a vibration that reminded me of a coil winding itself down, building power until it could spring. Her hatred for him was palpable, radiating off her like heat rising from the pavement. I was sure it extended to me right now, too.

Nothing I can do about that. The end justifies the means.And yet my confidence wavered. I knew she was hurting. I knew she was confused. I knew she was blaming me for this, when all I was doing was setting her up for more power than she could ever dream of.

“Is this how you treat family?” Johnny’s thundering voice forced my attention away from Charlotte.

“Johnny…” Shit! “Now is not the time.” What the fuck is he doing here? I thought I had him safely overseas, working on something for me, keeping him out of the way while I secured this deal. His hot head was going to end this arrangement before it was done and probably start another clan war.

“I was unaware that your brother would be joining us,” Sal said as he moved around his desk, like that would protect him from Johnny’s black-and-white perception of the scene.

You and me both. Johnny’s presence had my hackles up, which was exactly what I didn’t want happening. The situation needed calm, but having my brother here, all riled up, was making me anything but.

“Uncollar this woman now!” Johnny roared. His eyes flashed silver, a sure sign he was ready to wolf out and lay down a pummeling. My own urge for blood rankled, always ready to join my brother for an assbeating.

Not now. Not now.

“Calm down, Johnny.” I tried to catch his eyes, but he was huffing and puffing so hard that he couldn’t focus on anyone but Charlotte. She looked pathetic, I knew. The collar and its magical stench leeching power from her second by second made her look like a damsel in distress. I wanted to rescue her, too, and I was almost there. I was so close to getting away with her in my arms, and here was Johnny, bursting in to save the day, no matter the consequences.

“This is not how I conduct business, Kane,” Sal said. He took a seat, his hands steepled as he leaned forward in his chair. “Maybe you should collar your brother, too.”

Johnny whipped his head toward Sal and bared his teeth. “What did you just say?”

The security in the room surged forward, crowding us in. I stepped in front of Johnny, my hands up, but not before giving him a hard stare, sending a message he knew well. Your alpha is warning you. Stand down. “We’re not here for trouble. We’re here to get what I paid for.” I inwardly cringed at the words, knowing that both Johnny and Charlotte were glaring at me. I could practically feel their judgment and disdain lasering my back.

“You have your money, Sal. Our deal is done. Remove the collar, and we’ll leave.”

“Don’t you want to see what it can do first?” Sal’s smarmy smile made me want to slap his face. “It’s a new product we’re working on here. Got some witches on staff now. Devious little things, so unlike the older ones. The new generation is full of rage and greedy as fuck. Tech geniuses, too.”

Sal picked up a small device from his desk, and before I could stop him, he pressed a button.

Charlotte moaned as she crumpled to the ground.