Page 48 of Scorned

I had to stop her, but when I tried to push forward, to reclaim my conscious control, she shoved me back, sending me reeling into darkness that almost took me out completely.

I shook my internal head, roused myself back to awareness, then tried again.

My werebeast bore down on the wolves, who were all writhing and snorting, trying to bite the threads of my web away, even though they couldn’t see them. They were oblivious to the danger so close.

No matter how hard I fought to the surface, I was flooded by bloodlust that kept me down. It was a tidal wave, consuming her and drowning me. Her fangs pulsed, jolting me as well, and I knew that she was desperate to rip the throats out of those who were linked to us.

I screamed at her to stop, but my voice only echoed in my head. She was unaware or simply didn’t care. She was a tank on a mission.

What have I done?

She was closing in. The wolves were going to die, and I couldn’t stop it from happening.

She was feet away, and I was clawing at my insides, trying to stop her from murder. I attempted to dig my feet in, to harness her claws and wrestle back control over my body, but she was full of rage and seconds away from swiping the head off the first distracted male within reach.

I wanted to close my eyes and hide, so I didn’t have to witness the bloodbath. I wanted to dissolve into unconscious bliss. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I had to see this through, even if it meant more trauma for my damaged psyche.

This was my fault to claim—to witness, to pay for.

Before I could blink, my werebeast was railroaded by a freight train, taken out at the knees, so we rolled head over monstrous heels in the other direction.

Kane instantly shifted from wolf to man, using the same move he had the day before, holding my beast by the throat, his forearm cutting off circulation, his legs wrapped around her waist.

There was a boom in my head, a growl that rocked me to the core. I shifted up, straining to hear the noise again, wondering how it was so loud in my thoughts.

My werebeast was ready for Kane. She slammed her head back—once, twice—satisfied by the bone crunching sound effects as Kane moaned, his grip loosening as the smell of blood bloomed in her muzzle.

Before she could disentangle herself from Kane, Johnny had taken his place, his face somehow out of range of her blows. She couldn’t batter him with her gigantic head. So, she tried to eviscerate his forearm, digging in with her claws, drawing more blood and pulling a string of curses from his clenched teeth.

Levi skidded to a halt right in front of her, shifting from wolf to man and so close that all she saw was his face. My werebeast growled, snapping her jaws, daring him to move an inch our way.

Johnny cooed something in my ear, despite his obvious pain, trying to calm the beast while at the same time squeezing the daylights out of her neck. Panic welled, then fear. If she broke free, she’d kill them all.

I raked my invisible fingers against her consciousness. I called claws to my fingers and wolf fangs to my mouth and used all my internal strength to tear her from the front of our awareness, trying to tamp her down into the dark place where she lived when I was calm and in control.

Levi was speaking, but I couldn’t hear him above the roar in my head. His lips moved quickly, his eyes earnest. Even though she was being hit from inside and out, my werebeast refused to accept defeat.

I stopped fighting her and instead locked on Levi’s eyes, the cadence of his voice, even if his words were jumbled. I knew what to do. I pulled strength from his measured tone.

Another voice was in my head now, too, a deep grumble telling me to come, step back, let go.

Flashes raced across my eyes, light fading in and out. I concentrated on stepping into unconsciousness, dragging her with me as best as I could, releasing my hold on awareness.

As my darkness quickly closed in, I sensed the threads of my web snapping one by one until I was alone with my werebeast, and she was not happy with me.

Just before my awareness blinked out, I decided that nothing good came from linking minds and, once again, I’d proven that I couldn’t be trusted to be part of a team.

My werebeast glared at me then nodded in agreement.