Page 34 of Scorned

She snapped her eyes to mine, a slight curl to her lips. Instead of a sexy retort, she pulled me back to the problem at hand. “I can’t work with her,” she growled around her fangs. “My beast is unmanageable.”

“She’s you!” I laughed. “Not a separate identity. She’s part of you, just as your wolf is.” The first step needed to be acceptance if we were going to get anything done.

“No!” She shook her head, spit flying. “You’re wrong. They’re separate from me. The wolf and the beast. They act on their own instincts.”

My mouth fell open. I couldn’t help it. What? This was worse than I thought. Had the masters convinced her that she had different entities inside of her?

She used my momentary shock to charge, shifting from fangs and claws to the legs of a wolf, which gave her speed and strength in her lower body. She leapt over my head then pummeled me in the back with her powerful legs.

I stumbled forward, only managing to keep myself upright by accident. As I spun to counter her next attack, I caught her coming from below and wrapped my arms around her waist. She heaved me up with incredible strength then carried me ten feet, actually lifting me from the ground before drilling me back down hard enough to hurt. Air whooshed out of my lungs, and my ribs screamed.


Pushing aside the pain, I scrambled up. She sucked in giant breaths of air, her body shifting from lower wolf to upper wolf, fangs dropping, claws cutting through her fingers.

It was mesmerizing to watch, but I couldn’t afford to get caught up in her amazing feats of transformation. I needed to use this moment to show her the truth.

“Your partial shift should be proof enough that you can meld your wolf and beast together.” More and more I was beginning to understand what those masters did to fuck her up over the years of her training. It was becoming obvious that her deep-rooted insecurity and this mistaken belief of her split wolf and beast identity came from years of brainwashing. It made complete sense that those bastards, the old-school masters, entrenched in the werewolf patriarchy, would have done anything to weaken her. Her power potential would have terrified them. Of course, they’d hobbled her. “Your partial shifts are proof that you can work with your beast and wolf side,” I said again, just to drill it in.

“It’s…not…the…same…thing.” She could barely speak through her heavy breathing. Her body was growing, already double in size.

“You’re losing control.” I stood slowly, hands out as if to calm her. “Focus on what you want to do right now.”

“I…want…to…” She coughed, sputtering through her next words, her voice so guttural that she sounded feral. “I want…to…rip…your…throat…out.”

“I’d rather you didn’t.” I aimed to inject a little humor as I stood down and let my body relax, despite my instincts screaming to do the opposite. I needed her beast self to see that I was no threat.

It was clear she was fighting to maintain control. Her eyes were wide, her face red, neck muscles corded and strained, jaw tight, body vibrating. She was trying to rein her beast side back and losing the battle, if her bulking body was any indication.

“I want to help you master this.” I walked slowly toward her, my voice calm, body relaxed. “But you have to let me past your armor.” I inched closer, my hand out for her to take. “You have to curb your desire to eat me.”

My words seemed to sink in, and, much to my surprise, she choked on what sounded like a laugh. I hadn’t been aiming for a double entendre, but there it was.

She quirked her lips. I took that as a good sign.

“Levi says we have a history.” I got within a couple of feet of her. Her breathing slowed. Her body shrank. I kept talking. “He says you’ve let me into your dreams.”

She watched me carefully, her eyes sharp and predatory. I believed she would rip my throat out if given the chance. One false move and her beast side would come out. If that happened, I was a dead man.

As tempting as it was to tease her, to test her limits, I tempered that desire. She might have been sexy as fuck, but I needed to learn more about her beast awareness before I taunted it to the surface again.

I took another step that brought me within biting reach.

“I don’t remember any of it,” I admitted. “But I know what I want from you.”

She blinked, hard. Her fangs had retracted, her face no longer contorted. “And what’s that?” Her voice was soft but full of heat. She gave me another once-over, this time lingering on my lips. I wanted to take that as an invitation, to clasp her hair and pull her into me so I could devour her mouth, punish her lips, teach her how to obey.

“You’re begging for a firm hand.” Her eyes widened but she didn’t bite. “You need someone to temper your beast side.”

She stared at me, her face shifting to a different shade of red. No longer burning with obvious rage and bloodlust, her cheeks were now pink, a flush that crept down her throat to her chest. I wanted to lick her, to trail kisses along her collarbones, down the curve of her breasts to see how far that rosy glow went.

“Oh, yeah?” She crossed her arms, which were now fully human once again, blocking my view of her tits. “You want to conquer me?”

I shifted my eyes up to meet hers and saw amusement, definitely intrigue. She wanted me to dominate her. That was what my gut was telling me. Her eyes said more. I had dominated her in her dreams. I’d already made her my sub.

I moved closer still, so close that I could feel her breath fluttering out of her, teasing my throat.

“I’m not going to pretend to know how to meld your selves.” I reached up and brushed a few strands of her obsidian hair from her cheek. “I was born to be an alpha”—I swept my thumb across her jaw—“but not of a pack.” Then I cupped her jaw and leaned closer. “But an alpha, nonetheless.”

She shifted her eyes away from me but moved her body closer. She smelled of mint and pine, sweat and musk.

“You are an alpha.” Her words were a husky whisper that tickled a memory deep in my brain. Her voice was a trigger, and I darted my other hand to fist her hair. Her eyes hooded as she locked her gaze with mine, giving me permission that I didn’t need. I pulled her toward me, so close that our bodies swayed together, her tits brushing my chest. Her lips gave off a heat of their own.

But I didn’t kiss her. Instead, I held her tight and let her know who was in charge. “So, this is how it’s going to go…”