Page 40 of Wicked Trouble

“Well, everyone, this is Cammie Sheppard. She works for none other than Cowan Enterprises, right hand to Sabine Cowan herself.” A low murmur that seemed like appreciation passed along the table. Cammie could have argued with him about the right-hand part but she knew it wouldn’t matter. Bill had made up his own story about her. “Cammie, you know Elm, and some of these folks were at our dinner the other night. If they’re worth their salt, they’ll introduce themselves to you on their time. This is my time, and I have something I want to show you.” Bill pushed his chair back then stood, hand out. “Come with me.”

She looked around the table but everyone seemed suddenly preoccupied by their own conversations, so she put her hand in Bill’s then let him hoist her to her feet.

She saw Zane setting up the pool balls on the table, his mouth moving, followed by Jasper throwing his head back with laughter.

Bill guided her to a smallish lounge area next to the bar. It was a cozy space with four leather recliners and a glass table at the center. “Now, don’t you think this would be a good place for a massage area?”

Cammie wasn’t sure why Bill wanted or needed her opinion, but she had to agree. The space was just the right kind of secluded while at the same time being tantalizingly public. “A massage area, sure, or acupuncture. Wax play could work here too.” Some of the Kitty Clubs had areas like this that catered to the members who loved to stay in the thick of the action, watching everything going on—girls dancing, conversations happening—while having their own physical needs met. Their own less sexual needs met, that was.

“I know this is your realm of expertise, so I thought I’d ask.” Bill tugged on a thick rope and a curtain Cammie hadn’t noticed before closed behind her. “And it can become completely private with a little tug.”

Cammie had a moment of panic. Her hackles rose and goosebumps prickled along her skin. She didn’t like being in an enclosed space with Bill, even if it was only a curtain separating her from everyone else. She centered herself, positioning her body just in case she needed to arm bar Bill into submission. “Seems perfect for a special guest.”

“Right?” Bill swept the curtain open again then hooked it back in place. “That’s what I keep telling Captain Evans. There are missed opportunities all over the place on this ship. With the right kind of investment, he could turn this place to gold. He should be thinking about hiring someone like you, as a consultant, to fix this place up.”

“That’s flattering, Bill, but I’m pretty sure my boss wouldn’t think too kindly on me moonlighting.” She relaxed her stance, realizing that she’d been overreacting to Bill as a threat.

“You could use it as leverage.” He motioned her out of the space. “Get a pay bump. Let your boss know that you have transferable skills.”

If Cammie didn’t know any better, she would have thought Bill was trying to headhunt her away from Sabine. “Oh, she knows my value, and I’m paid very well.”

“I’m sure you are, sweetheart.” Bill patted her shoulder and she had to give him credit for not going for her ass instead, because she definitely would have put him in a chokehold. “Just so you know, I’d totally be interested in a little wax play with you. I bet you’re really good with your little hands. You could probably massage all my kinks out.”

Cammie laughed and shook her head. “You’re completely incorrigible.” And disgusting.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He grinned. “Just remember… I have more money than God and I’m willing to spend it on a pretty little lady like you.”

“I’m flattered, truly.” Cammie tried not to roll her eyes. “But I’m just not that kind of girl.”

“Fair enough!” Bill held his hands up like he was finally starting to understand that she was off limits. She knew it wouldn’t last, but she was hopeful for a reprieve that might give Zane enough time to work his PI magic on Jasper.

On their way back to the table, Cammie caught sight of Ben and waved, but he was moving like his ass was on fire, skimming along the edge of the room before disappearing behind a curtain that presumably went backstage.

Jasper was hovering over her seat at the table. “Forgot my cigarettes.” He waved the pack in her direction then snatched a lighter from next to her soda water with lime. “Your boyfriend is kicking my ass.”

Boyfriend. Huh.

Now that’s a word to get stuck on, isn’t it? She contemplated Jasper as he walked back to the pool room, her eyes drifting to Zane as he racked the balls once again. Boyfriend. Hmmm? She didn’t hate the sound of that.

“Shit!” Bill knocked himself so hard against the table that her glass almost toppled over, the water sloshing everywhere. She caught it in time to stop a total mess. “Leave that, darling. I’ll get you a new one.”

Cammie shook her head as she lifted the glass and took a long gulp. “No worries, Bill. This one is fine.”