Page 45 of Wicked Trouble

Cammie nodded then motioned for Ben to get them moving. The last thing she saw before the elevator doors closed was Zane putting his phone to his ear as he darted for the stairs.

* * * *

“There you go, Miss Sheppard. All settled in.” Ben was in the process of tucking the sheets around her when she’d finally had enough of his nursing.

“Thank you, Ben, but I think I’m okay. There’s no need to tuck me in.” She tried to soften her words with a smile, but Ben got flustered anyway.

“Oh gosh, I’m sorry! Overdoing it, as usual.” He took a few steps back, his eyes scanning like he was trying to figure out what else he could do to make her comfortable.

“I’m good, really. I just need a bit of sleep.” Which wasn’t a lie. Now that she was in her bed, she wanted nothing more than to sink down into the pillows, nestled under the comforter and sleep the next few hours away.

“I’ll be in the hall if you need me. Just shout, okay?” He twisted his hands together as he took a few steps backward. “Oh, and I snagged you a couple of ice cream bars, just in case you wanted something cold. You were so hot when I found you. I just thought maybe you’d like something to keep you cool.” He winced. “I don’t mean to baby you. It’s just—”

“Thank you, Ben. That was very thoughtful. I love ice cream bars.” This time her smile did the trick and Ben relaxed.

“Oh good, I wasn’t sure, but I thought it might be something you’d like.” He laughed a little. “I had to sneak into the big walk-in freezer in the galley to get these. They’re special. Captain’s favorites. Really expensive.” He winked. “I hate going into that dungeon. It’s so damn cold, but you’re worth it.”

“I appreciate it, Ben, really. You’re special, too.” Cammie couldn’t help a yawn that nearly split her head in two.

“My pleasure as always, Miss Sheppard.” Ben opened the door. “Remember… Shout if you need me.”

“Ben, I think you can call me Cammie at this point. No need to be so formal.” She yawned again, her eyelids fluttering closed on their own.

“Okay, Cammie, sleep well.”

She barely heard the click of the door closing before she was swallowed by sleep again.

“I had to sneak into the big walk-in freezer in the galley to get these ones. I hate going into that dungeon. It’s so damn cold…”