Page 31 of Wicked Trouble

“Frankie, Francesco… Same guy, you think?” Cammie watched Ben get swallowed by the crowd. Somehow, even with his towering height, he still managed to disappear.

“Absolutely. I didn’t see Salis’ name tag on the table, so he’s got to be here already. Let’s find him before this place fills up, then we can investigation cabin ten, shall we?”

Cammie nodded as Zane took her hand then began to weave them into the crowd of partiers.

The closer they got to the dance floor, which, as it turned out was clear plexiglass on top of the pool, the louder the music thumped. That, with the strobe lights flashing and beams of color shooting across the floor, Cammie felt like she was in a dance club rather than on the deck of a ship. It was nearly all-consuming, and her senses pinged frantically with so much stimulation. She wanted to grab Zane, spin him around and dance her heart out, but she knew that the longer they waited, the more flooded the space would get with bodies and the harder it would be to find Salis.

Even though the Sky Deck was open air and there was a nice breeze coming off the ocean, as they neared the center of the crowd, the body heat was almost stifling and the smell of everyone’s various colognes and perfumes a little overwhelming. Not only that but because Cammie was so short, she was having a hard time even seeing the name tags, let alone reading them. So, when Zane finally pulled them free from the dance floor, she knew they had to find a better way to locate Salis.

She pointed to the bar that was a little farther away from the thudding speakers and Zane nodded. By the time they slid themselves onto the bar stools, Cammie was coated in a sheen of sweat. “Whew! That was crazy.”

“Yeah, not the best way to find our man.” Zane ordered himself a beer and Cammie a soda water. “Maybe if we sit here for a while, he’ll come to us.”

“Definitely what I was thinking.” And a brilliant plan because no less than fifteen minutes later, a crowd of dancers converged on the bar.

Cammie scanned every name tag attached to a dancer that came up to order but didn’t see any that even started with an S. Her skirt was riding up and her collar was slick with sweat. She had to move around a bit.

“I’m going to do a quick walk around now that the crowd is here.” She wiggled herself off the stool. “Don’t disappear or I might never find you.”

“No worries.” Zane patted her vacated seat. “I’ll be right here saving your spot.”

She grinned before skirting the outside of the dance floor, trying her best not to be swallowed by the crowd and sucked into the melee, which was quickly becoming more chaotic by the second. Maybe the crowd isn’t all at the bar.

She maneuvered in between spectators and wove around a few make-out sessions. The heat in the space was a mix between tightly packed bodies and full-blown lust. At one point she had to grab a hold of the bars of one of the dancer cages to yank herself through a full-on orgy.

This idea was possibly a mistake and definitely an ineffective way of finding Salis. Time to get back to Zane.

The crowd was so dense that she couldn’t really tell what way to go, so she heaved herself up to the cage’s platform to get a better look and came face-to-face with Salis himself.

There was no mistaking his identity, even without the name tag. The man was almost identical to the guy she’d seen on the floor of her room—except instead of blue eyes Salis had brown and instead of short hair, Salis’ was long and in a ponytail. He grinned at her as he danced, reaching out through the bars to hold her in place as he gyrated in her direction. She was flattered, really, but had no time for his sexual advances, so she pushed herself back in an attempt to slip her foot to the ground. Except, there was no ground within reach and the crowd swept her up as if she wanted to body surf—and she so didn’t want to do that. Despite her yelp and struggling, hands came up under her, hoisting her into the air then moving her through the crowd like she weighed nothing more than a feather.

She tried to signal that she wanted down but that only made the crowd move her quicker until she was dead center and jostling to the beat of the music. She didn’t like this, not one bit. But she also couldn’t find a way to let anyone know that. Hands held her hips and legs and arms so she couldn’t move to disentangled herself. All she could do was pray that no one dropped her on her head.