When Tabby saw them, she smiled. “You guys having fun?” Then clearly, she processed the fact that Daley had come with another man. Both eyebrows went up. Even John looked confused. Tabby eyed her sister. “Where’s Jared?”

Tristan could see Daley was flummoxed. She wouldn’t want to lie to her sister. But the truth was confidential. For now. “Jared was on call,” he said. “Poor guy had to report to the hospital.”

Tabby made a face. “That’s too bad. I really like Jared.”

Tristan stiffened. Whose side was Tabby on?

John must have noted Tristan’s involuntary grimace. “Are you two headed out? Tabby and I will be staying until the bitter end.”

“Because we want to,” Tabby said, her tone exasperated. “I think my poor husband is partied out.”

John held out his hands. “I’m having a great time. But you can’t blame me for wanting to take my bride home to bed.”

Daley and Tristan laughed when Tabby blushed.

Tristan gave his brother’s shoulder a playful punch. “How long are you going to play that newlywed card?”

“As long as I can.” John kissed his wife’s cheek. “As long as I can.”

In the car, Tristan had a few second thoughts. “Do we need to swing by your place?” he said. “In case you want to spend the night?”

“Am I invited?” she asked, shooting him a sideways glance as he pulled out of the parking garage.

“Always,” he said lightly.

“Then, yes. It won’t take me long to grab a toothbrush.”

Her incredibly matter-of-fact statement had him hard and aching. He’d had no clue if she would ever come to his bed again. And now this. Plus, she had said she was fond of him. What did that mean?

He cooled his heels in her living room while she gathered whatever she needed for a sleepover.

Suddenly, he bellowed down the hall. “Please don’t change clothes.”

When she appeared moments later with a small overnight case in her hand, she grinned. “I wasn’t going to. If a man has a fantasy, who am I to mess that up?”

“Thank you,” he said. “I like it when a woman knows who’s boss.”

She kissed his cheek, lingering to nibble his jaw and lightly run her tongue across his lips. “I thought we agreed you’re not my boss. Don’t get cocky.”

“Yes, ma’am.” His body was in shock. Having Daley be so comfortable with expressing affection, so sweetly sensual, scrambled his brain.

The little witch knew exactly what she did to him. “I’m ready,” she said.

He tucked her into his car with care, scooting her skirt out of the way and closing the door. The distance from her place to his was not bad. Twenty minutes at most. But the drive taxed his control.

At his house, things took an unexpected turn. As Tristan struggled to play host, Daley took matters out of his hands. “We don’t need anything to eat or drink. I’m ready for that unveiling you promised me.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep them out of trouble as his libido battled with his sense of what was right. “It would be bad manners for me to jump you the moment we come inside.”

She put both hands on his chest. “Screw manners. We both know what we want. I want you, Tristan.”

He closed his eyes briefly. Dear lord. “Yes.” He covered her hands with his. The croak of agreement was the only word he could squeeze past the lump in his throat. Unexpectedly, he saw that tonight was far more than one episode in a casual affair. This woman meant something to him. The searing revelation was as profound as it was terrifying.

He scooped her up in his arms. A glance in the foyer mirror showed him the graceful way her skirt spilled over his arm. Daley’s gaze was locked on his face. A tiny smile curved her lips. She was like sunshine in his home.

How had he not recognized how very much he needed sunshine?

In the bedroom, he set her on her feet. The dress was not complicated. A small fastener at the nape of her neck was easily conquered. When he drew the bodice of the dress to her waist, he sucked in a sharp breath. Surely, he had known she wasn’t wearing a bra. The design of the gown precluded one. But seeing her ivory skin and pink-tipped breasts was like getting whacked in the head with a baseball.