He waited until they were off the dance floor before he pulled her to a halt beside the refreshment table. “I think that depends on you.”

Her eyes widened. His seemed to telegraph a message. “Oh?” she said.

His lips twitched in a small smile that still had enough power to weaken her knees. “Well, since your friend is out of the picture, I thought we could go back to my place.”

“To watch a movie?” Her gaze settled on his tanned throat where his white shirt collar peeked out over his tux jacket.

“No, Daley Martin. To let me fully appreciate that gorgeous dress before I remove it and take you to bed. Is that something that interests you?”

The magic was back. It washed over her and stole her breath.

“Yes,” she said. She searched his face. “I would like that very much.”

“Will I be stepping on any toes?”

She stared at him blankly. “Excuse me?”

“Your Jared person?”

Her face flamed. Embarrassment was not a pleasant experience. “He’s only a friend,” she said. “I invited him because I was scared of you. And me. And you and me together.”

Tristan’s frown was dark. “I’m trying to be angry with you, but I can’t. Not when we’re about to be in harmony for once.”

“There’s one more thing.”

His eyes widened in alarm. “Do I want to hear this?”

She shrugged. “Jared didn’t get called in to work. He volunteered to leave because he knows I’m interested in you, and you didn’t bring a date tonight.”

“Interested?” His gaze was hot.

“I’m fond of you,” she clarified. She cupped his face in her hands. “I’m sorry I lied. I won’t do it again.”

He kissed her. Almost platonically. They were surrounded by witnesses. “I forgive you,” he said, staring down at her and memorizing her features one by one. “Let’s go home.”


Tristan’s mood did a complete one-eighty. Daley wasn’t in a relationship with the hunky doctor. She’d used him as a decoy. Hot damn.

Tristan handed her a glass of champagne and watched her drink it. “None for me. I’m driving,” he said. The chilled water in crystal pitchers was exactly what he needed.

Daley drained her flute and set it aside. “If we’re leaving, we should say goodbye to Tabby and John.”

“Of course.” He scanned the room. “They’re dancing now. We’ll catch them when they leave the floor.”

“That works.”

He pulled her close and stole another kiss. “This song has at least three more verses. Why don’t we enjoy ourselves while we wait?”

A pink hue stained her cheeks. Big brown eyes studied him. “Sure,” she said.

Any excuse to be closer to her. His patience was hanging by the merest of threads.

On the dance floor, he was obligated to hold her. Permitted to touch her. Encouraged to twirl her in a dizzying circle until her laughter sent a quiet burst of joy sliding through his veins.

He was almost disappointed when the song ended. Almost but not quite.

Daley wiggled out of his arms. “I’m going to grab them before they get involved in another conversation.” Tristan followed her.