She gripped his sleeve. “I’m nervous,” she said, lingering in the hall and trying to breathe. “I don’t like lying.”
“How are you lying, Daley? I am your date. We may not be involved in a romantic relationship, but we’re friends. I’m sure we’re not the only people present tonight who have a platonic arrangement.”
“Quit worrying.”
She had arrived half an hour early to greet her sister and help make sure any last details were ready. “We should go in,” Daley said. “Before I lose my nerve and run home.”
It was a joke. Of course, she wouldn’t miss this special evening.
If only she could avoid Tristan.
As she and Jared entered the ballroom, Tristan was the first person she spotted. His commanding physicality made him hard to miss. He was standing with John and Tabby, studying the large silver fountain filled with champagne.
Daley forced her feet to move. Jared was a comforting presence at her elbow.
Tabby saw them and beamed. “You made it,” she said, hurrying over to greet them. “I was starting to get worried.” John and Tristan stood behind her.
“Sorry, sis,” Daley said. “We got caught in traffic. You remember Jared, right?”
Tabby took both his hands. “Of course. Thanks for coming. It’s been a while, but John and I have never forgotten that chocolate cream pie you brought to Daley’s potluck.”
Jared’s easy smile was warm. “I can’t take credit. My mother cooked that. She spoils me.”
John drew Tristan into the little circle. “Tristan, this is Daley’s neighbor, Jared Perlman. He’s a pediatric surgeon at Emory. Jared, this is my brother, Tristan. He’s the CEO of the Lieberman and Dunn ad agency.”
The two men shook hands.
Daley told herself she was imagining a weird tension between the five adults. Had Tristan not brought a companion? That seemed unlikely.
Tristan didn’t appear in the least intimidated by Daley’s faux date. Nor was he overly friendly. “Nice to meet you, Jared.” Then he kissed Daley’s cheek casually and smiled a warm, intimate smile that made her stomach turn somersaults. “You look stunning, Daley.”
His masculine scent made her insides quiver. “Thank you,” she muttered, her throat dry.
Jared had a hand at her back. Maybe he thought she might bolt.
Daley tried to gather her wits. “What can we do to help, Tabby? Everything looks beautiful.”
The round tables seated eight each. Tabby’s centerpieces were artistically composed of white gardenias with dark green glossy foliage. The place settings were real china and crystal. No plastic plates and easily broken forks.
“I think everything is ready,” Tabby said. “The hotel has been wonderful. John and I are going to stand in the hall and greet people as they arrive. But you three relax and make yourselves comfortable. Have a drink. I’m so glad you’re here.”
When the bride and groom walked away arm in arm, Daley stood alone, flanked by two alpha males. Both men were incredibly attractive. Both men were incredibly charming. Both men were intelligent and cultured and confident.
Suddenly, she panicked. Her face felt flushed, and her forehead was damp. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to visit the ladies’ room.”
Tristan watched Daley cross the ballroom to a restroom on the opposite wall. In that ultrafeminine dress, she was temptation personified. The bare skin on display was tantalizingly smooth and warm. Tristan wanted nothing more than to take her into a quiet back hallway and kiss her until she admitted the guy she brought tonight was a blatant attempt to keep him at arms’ length. It wasn’t going to work.
He dragged his gaze back to her companion. “How long have you known Daley?” he asked, telling himself he wasn’t a caveman. The need to fight for his woman was ludicrous but inescapable.
Jared Perlman’s smile was calm and friendly. “Almost three years. She brought me cookies the day I moved in a few doors down the hall.”
“I see.” Tristan’s gut churned. His intellect told him Daley wouldn’t jump from one lover’s bed to another. But this tall Black man with the build of an athlete and the engaging personality was undeniably perfect.
“She’s a remarkable woman. Genuine. Kind. Talented,” Jared said.
“I’m aware of Daley’s finer qualities,” Tristan said, trying not to grind his teeth.