“Now face each other,” the photographer said. “Tabby and John—you two kiss. At the same moment, I want each couple to fake a kiss.”

Tristan and Daley were so close to each other he could see the flicker of shock in her eyes at the photographer’s instruction. They stood in the exact center of the picture, immediately behind the bride and groom. John never looked up at them, but Tabby gave her sister a quick amused smile.

The photographer counted down. “Five...four...three...two...one. Now.”

Tristan found Daley’s lips with his. The jolt of heat was no surprise. But his partner jerked away. “Fake kiss,” she whispered.

He couldn’t help himself. He kissed her again.

All around them, giggles and laughter erupted. Perhaps a few of the other couples had gone beyond the fake kiss as well.

The photographer glanced at his camera screen. “That one looks good. But one more to make sure.”

Tristan put a hand on Daley’s waist. No one could see. Not even John and Tabby.

The countdown came a second time: “Five...four...three...two...one. Now!”

For a split second, time seemed to halt. Tristan was hyperaware of Daley’s light perfume, the sound of his own breathing. He kissed her carefully, thoroughly. Her lips were soft and warm. She made a little noise that hardened his sex.

But the moment was all too short.

He stepped back, staring briefly at the woman who seemed as stunned as he was.

All around them, the wedding party erupted in chatter.

The photographer gave a thumbs-up. “I think that’s a wrap.”

Tabby stood. “Feel free to go to your rooms, everybody, and take a breather. Meet back in the small staging tent at four forty-five.”

She turned to Daley. “Can I come to your room and freshen up? John and I are going to take a little break until I walk down the aisle.”

Daley nodded, her cheeks flushed. “Of course.”

Tristan hoped Tabby would assume her sister’s pink cheeks were the result of the outdoor temperature and not because she had been kissed for real.

As the bride and groom walked away to speak to the photographer, Tristan whispered in Daley’s ear, “You look amazing.”

She ducked her head and smiled. “Thanks. You’re pretty darn hot in that tuxedo, too.”

He chuckled. “For what it’s worth, I could take that literally.”

Although the world bustled around them, they still stood in an oasis of quiet.

“I should go,” Daley said. “Tabby will be waiting for me.”

“Of course.”

“Tristan, I—”

Tabby called out from across the lawn, “You coming?”

“On my way.”

Daley grimaced. “Sorry.”

He touched her arm. “What were you going to say?”

Her gaze slid away from his. “Not important. I’ll see you later.”