“Why does it matter? It’s just sex.”

Was she taunting him on purpose?

He tamped down his pique. “Pretty great sex.”


He paused, resting on his elbows, studying her flushed face and bare breasts. “You fascinate me, Daley. Even when you were yelling at me in my office, I wanted to know you better.”

She scrunched up her nose. “Please don’t remind me of that day. It’s so embarrassing. I acted like a crazy woman.”

“You were passionate,” he said. “I think maybe you try to hide that passion, but something pushed you over the edge that afternoon, and I saw the real Daley Martin for a few minutes. She was astonishingly full of life.”

“Well, it won’t happen again. You stay in your corner, and I’ll stay in mine.”

He kissed her lips this time, sinking deep, tasting the salt of the chips. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“Do you always talk this much during sex?” She ruffled his hair with both hands, making him shiver.

“Only with you.”

They stared at each other for long moments. He was deep inside her, aching to come. Daley was flushed, glowing. Also clearly on the edge.

She touched his cheek. “I won’t regret it,” she said. “Some things get tucked away as shining memories. They keep us going on dark days.”

He liked the way she looked at him. But her words were another story. Why did this have to be nothing more than a memory?

Hell, he knew the answer to that. There was no universe in which Daley and Tristan as a couple made sense. The important people in this equation were Tabby and John. On that point, Tristan knew he and Daley were in perfect agreement.

“Well,” he said, rotating his hips until she gasped, “if this is going to be no more than a memory, I’d better make it good.”

He slid out, groaned and slammed into her. Daley arched into his thrusts, chanting his name. When it was almost too late for him, he maneuvered them onto their sides so he could trigger her pleasure. He stroked the little nub of nerves and held her tightly as she cried out. Then he was on top of her again, thrusting his body into hers, relishing the exact moment when fire streaked from every cell in his body and imploded in his release.

When he could feel his legs, he scooped her up, killed the lights and carried her back to the bed.

Daley was asleep instantly. He was a few minutes behind her. In the dark, he frowned. What had happened in the last few hours? Sexual indulgence? Or something more...

When he roused next, he thought he could see a faint gray light around the edge of the drapes. Daley was sprawled across his chest, tapping his forehead with her finger.

“Wake up,” she said. “You have to go to your room.”

He muttered a word that encompassed his feelings. “Don’t wanna...” he mumbled.

That little finger didn’t give up. “You have to,” she insisted. “People will be stirring soon.”

Rolling to his back and groaning was his only response. He breathed in and out, trying to summon the energy to stand and get dressed.

Slim fingers curled around his apparently permanent erection. “Or maybe just one more quickie,” Daley said.

“Hell yeah.” A jolt of heat energized him. “Come here, sweet thing.”

They ended up with Daley on top, which turned out to be incredibly rewarding for both of them. Unfortunately, even the excess of the night didn’t give him much staying power. He was obsessed with her.

Only when he felt the little jerk in her body and heard her sensual moan did he let himself come.

There was no opportunity for wallowing in carnal bliss.

The light was growing stronger.