“I’m not fucking gay, Owens,” Jayce snaps and glares my way. “Maybe you should shut that trap mouth of yours, Andrews, and get to work on being a team nurse. You went to school for this shit, after all, so why not be useful and stop talking smack.”
“The fact you got so offended in seconds makes it even more suspicious, you know?” I can’t stop myself from barking back. Too late now. Might as well put him in his place. “Just admit you hate I’m the apple of your best friend’s eye, hmm?”
“What you say, cunt?”
“I’m a sexy cunt,” I dramatically use my hand to gesture down my body and even add a twirl on my skates like some sort of figure skater. “I also have a bachelor’s degree, could probably be a figure skater champion if it wasn’t so expensive to apply for, and you want to get the sight of this cunt, but sadly, you’re not my type.”
I dare to move right up to him, and the swift movement, matched with my dramatic stop in front of him, makes him lean back in surprise.
“So, you’re going to remember when we’re inside this stadium and both on the rink that you have no choice but to respect me because I have the power to make sure you sit on that bench with the slightest bit of assessment that doesn’t meet my nursing standards. And trust me,”—I pause just to further lean into him as I poke his chest for added measure—“Daddy Dearest can’t save you.”
“Oh, she didn’t,” Kane hisses.
“She did. Fuck,” Diesel sounds baffled.
“Get your finger off me,” he growls.
“What? I’m too poor for you? My bad,” I slowly move my finger away. “I’ll make sure to win the lottery at the end of the season, so we can have this confrontation again when I’m closer to your class. Until then, you can learn to mingle with your team and mind your own business when the nurses are talking to a specific team member.”
“You’re the one who started this shit,” he snaps.
“Actually, I was just commenting that Armani looks grumpy as fuck, which may be because you guys lost the nicer team nurse,” I acknowledge. “I know. My bestie is the queen of medical care, so your loss is heartfelt.” Placing my hand on my chest, I bob my head in understanding.
“Don’t worry. You just have to tolerate my loud ass for a season, then you can go off into your careers while I start mine.”
“As if anyone would hire some male-looking freak like you,” Jayce grumbles and leans in close as if to spook me out. “Just learn to do your job, Andrews. At least that will make you seem likable to the opposite sex.”
“I didn’t know my job required me to be straight, Jayce,” I sweetly state. “If that’s so, whatcha doing here?”
“You little piece of—”
A glove is between us in seconds before I’m pulled back into a bulk mass.
“Cool it.” Armani growls. “She’s testing you, and you’re falling for it, stupid.”
“Testing me?” Jayce huffs.
“Duh,” I’m surprised Caren with a C enters the chat. “Can’t you see Mr. Champion and the other admins are over there watching us?”
I can barely peek through the goalie glove that’s still covering my face. It takes me gripping it and lowering it enough to confirm the entire Operations Management is watching our little argument.
Amelia Jonas, Operations Manager.
Dakota Weasley, Social Media Manager.
David Maxwell Champion, Public Relations Manager.
Matched with our new coach, Coach Isaac Cross Johnson, and Wyatt Cyrus, equipment manager, we have all five of them staring at us like we’ve become a nuisance.
“Andrews wanted to see how easy it is to provoke you, Winchester,” Caren announces and laughs mockingly at him as she skates over until she’s on my left side. She leans over and points at his chest. “And you fell for it.”
Winchester looks surprised, while I’m more shocked that the bitch is defending me publicly.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us nursing professionals, we’re going to plan this semester’s shenanigans so we make sure you lot of testosterone can act like mature men on the ice with other hockey team members, yes?”
“Damn,” Mitchel comments with an added whistle. “They got us.”
Armani huffs. “I noticed from the get-go, yet you guys fell for it.”