He’d just bribe the police department and tell them to toss my body in a fucking river.


“Walk in with Andrews so they have pity for you being nursed to health by the new intern,” Diesel encourages. “Man. Better praise Andrews. She actually became a nurse like she said she would.”

“I actually didn’t doubt she would,” Kane confesses. “She’s smart. It’s probably the lack of support in her life that makes her doubt herself, though I saw her recent picture at Oliver and Leo’s gym, and damn. She had a lot of credentials to her name before her achievements. Bonus points that she’s hot.”

The way I growl surprises even me because I don’t growl.

Unless I’m about to orgasm.

“I sense drama this season,” Kane concludes. “If you’re going to start some sort of love triangle for shits and giggles, Armani, warn us.”

“Just so we can further fuck it up and call dibs.”

“If you’re not calling dibs on me, we’re over,” Kane mutters.

“You don’t mean that,” Diesel sounds devasted. “And keep your voice down before Winchester overhears us.”

“The fucker is on the rink.”

“The man has superhuman heari—”

“KANE! DIESEL. Where the fuck is Oscar?”


“Oh shit, Jayce. Perfect timing!” Kane swiftly begins. “Mr. Champion just left and said everything is starting early afternoon. A few interns aren’t here yet, and Oscar called in because he’s having stomach problems.”

“Douche is probably trying to set me up,” Jayce snaps. “Was supposed to do shit for me this morning, but no. He’s stuck on the toilet but can’t keep a fucking conversation.”

“Um… isn’t that a sign of dehydration?” Diesel points out, feigning actual concern. “Maybe we should go check on him to make sure he ain’t passed out or something.”

“Don’t fucking bother,” Jayce snaps. “Good fucking riddance if he is. Maybe next time he won’t eat cheap shit that will give him cancer like his smoking habit.”

“You smoke, too.”

I was going to hang up before my heart further sunk at his harsh words, but Kane’s comment strikes out of the blue, leaving my finger hovering over the red end button.

“What you say, Sylvester?” Jayce sounds just as baffled that Kane actually had the guts to talk back at him.

“You smoke those same cancer sticks, but you’re not insulting yourself, are you?” Kane grumbles. “Stop being hypocritical ‘cause you’re mad you didn’t get laid last night from your dream girl.”

“You little piece of sh—”

“Jayce.” Diesel’s voice is stern as stone, and I can only envision him standing between the two of them like a ref, ready to cue a boxing match. “Not here.”

There’s a tense silence before Jayce mockingly laughs.

“You two still acting like gay shits, as usual.”

I frown at his words.

Jayce loves to talk down on anyone who showed signs of being gay.

Even though he’d probably suck cock more than he’d eat pussy. Unless it’s Johnson’s.

“You two make sure Armani’s here on time, or else I’ll enjoy making all three of you suffer for holding me back. This is my shot at securing the future I’m destined to walk upon. Don’t you guys dare fuck it up!” He stomps away before either of them can get a word out.