“I didn’t sleep in,” I grumble. “The sun is just out early.”
“Are you hearing yourself?” Kane sounds stumped. “Damn. Did you have sex last night? That’s the only reason I can think of to justify you sleeping in.”
“Of course, he fucked last night. That girl was in his bed, which reminds me. Bro? Since when do you do girls?”
“I thought you were like us,” Kane teases. “Unless that was Andrews. If that’s her, I won’t blame you. You two always had chemistry.”
“Chemistry?” Diesel sounds appalled. “More like the two would kill each other if they were spies. In fact, if they were in the mafia, they would do anything to one-up the other unless they got some sort of mission to kill Jayce. Bet you they would work together to get rid of him.”
“I think anyone would want to get rid of Jayce with his cocky attitude this morning,” Kane groans. “C’mon, Oscar. Wake up. You gotta get down here.”
“What time is it?” I’m really not following. I just need things further broken down for me while my mind wakes the fuck up.
“Ten o’clock, dude.”
Ten in the fucking morning?
Fucking hell.
“Fuck,” I groan. “Our first practice is today.”
“Yup,” Kane declares. “In T minus ‘get your fucking ass here,’ Goalie.”
“Look. Mr. Champion is coming this way. Maybe we can buy you some time,” Diesel points out.
“Mr. Champion!” Kane calls out.
“Hmm? Sylvester? Valerian. Good morning,” I hear the cheerful voice. “What’s the matter?”
“Uh…” Kane begins before he quickly responds with, “Good Morning, Mr. Champion. Sorry to bother you, especially on a day like today. It’s just that our goalie, Oscar Armani, he’s running a tad late.”
“Is he now?” Mr. Champion comments. “Is there a valid reason?”
Fuck. I’m gonna get into shit.
“He has the runs, Sir!” Diesel emphasizes.
I have to stop myself from groaning in dismay.
“Yeah, we went out to celebrate last night, but he’s allergic to certain seafood that makes him get diarrhea and needs certain medication to calm his stomach,” Diesel lies out of his fucking ass.
I’m gonna beat the shit… fucking hell. I’m beating him up.
“That’s troublesome. Seems like two of my other interns are going to be late, and we haven’t heard from the last intern. What was her name? Andrews?”
Her internship is today.
“Mr. Champion,” I begin and am a little thankful my voice is rather rough. “Terribly sorry for my tardiness. If you’re talking about Mackenzie Andrews, that’s actually my fault,” I reveal. “She’s a nurse, and we’re friends. I texted her about my issues this morning, and she went to get me the medication I needed to calm my stomach. The pharmacy nearby doesn’t have it, so she had to travel to the one outside the city. I know she’s on her way back, but because of the urgency of everything, she probably lost track of time.”
Here I am.
Defending Andrews from losing her internship opportunity.