“And you didn’t tell us?!” Katherine gasps in horror.
“Honestly, I forgot,” I confess and quietly whisper, “Besides… I never have had anyone to really celebrate with.”
“That changes,” Oscar whispers as he takes my left hand.
“Starting now,” Wyatt affirms as he takes my right hand.
I stare around the mini circle the others have created, with my mom in the middle, holding the cake that’s been baked just for me. The golden glow of the candles dances enchantingly while everyone around us is carrying smiles of hope and happiness.
“Make a wish, Sofiya,” Mother encourages, and I stare into her eyes as tears stream down my face.
I take a deep breath, and close my eyes, wishing that this day forward, I’ll never be pulled away from my loved ones again.
Not without putting up a fight.
Blowing out the candles, we celebrate my birthday.
And dual engagement.
I pause to turn my head to acknowledge Kenzie, who’s approaching me for what has to be the fifth time.
“Kitten.” I don’t sound upset. Honestly, having a woman be willing to check on you multiple times when justice is finally being served in the oddest way, you can’t help but be warmed by her support.
Especially with THAT video trending.
Fernandez said he’d get the last laugh. I guess that meant acquiring a sex tape between Jayce and me and spinning the perfect narrative that shows a manipulative side of Winchester.
As a rapist.
To be honest, I don’t remember much of that night. I was fucking wasted, and Jayce took advantage of that. He enjoyed using it as some type of advantage against me. Maybe he assumed all this while that I protected his legacy and reputation all because of this sex tape.
He never really understood that my loyalty wasn’t because of something so minuscule.
I stayed by his side because I loved him.
A one-sided love that was proven when he threw me under the bus.
Despite its release, I’m pretty positive my family is going to leak the news of my engagement to Kenzie.
With Wyatt in tow.
I’m sure people will take it a certain way.
Either they support it, or they don’t. No matter what path people choose, it won’t push me away from what’s best for me and my sanity.
“Are you sure you’re in the right mindset to do this?” Kenzie asks one more time.
Seeing the lines of worry on her gorgeous face makes me want to kiss her again to give her some more reassurance.
So, I do.
The kiss is short because I need to go if I don’t want to miss this jump, but I can’t leave Kenzie looking like she’s going to break down and cry on my behalf.