Page 331 of Wrong Pucking Player

“W-Wait. How did Mack get a gun?” Leo questions.

“I took it from Armani,” I announce.

“That’s why I couldn’t find my gun,” Armani mutters.

“Everyone stay still, though,” I encourage. “Katherine’s working on defusing the bomb.”

“Bomb?!” multiple people gasp.

Frankie’s eyes are on me, but instead of anger, he’s showing a glimpse of surprise.

Like he can’t comprehend I actually pulled this off.

“Frankie always has a backup plan,” I announce. “The motive wasn’t just to kill me, which he had every intention of doing, but to kill mostly everyone here. I reached out to Katherine before we made our way over here and told her to investigate the entire premises without notifying anyone else. She located the bomb and got the secret services to deal with it.”

I shrug on purpose, knowing it’ll tick Frankie off.

“Nothing too tricky for me to pull off.”

“Smartass bitch,” Frankie snarls, his expression showing how angered he is as well the lines of pain from his blown-up hand. “You think you’ve won? Just because you’re going to arrest me? HAH. I’ve gotten out of every scandal I’ve been involved in. This is nothing. Prison won’t stop me.”

“You’re right,” I agree.

“Yet, you’re acting as if you’ve won. I’m still the winner! You don’t remember that douche behind you. He’s the real loser in all of this.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Frankie,” I declare and actually smile. “I know who Wyatt Cyrus Jr. is.”

“What?” Officer Melody questions.

“Xandra,” Wyatt whispers. “You don’t need to do this for show. He lost. We’re going to arrest him. There’s no need to—”

“I’ve been Frankie’s hypnosis guinea pig for years. Long before he started performing in public for cash,” I reveal. “I hated the level of vulnerability it took from me, and I knew a day would come when he’d try to make these hypnotic spells work longer in his favor. I told myself I didn’t want to be a victim of his control, so I sought out another hypnotist who came to Toronto back in 2022, who not only taught me how to hypnotize myself but also taught me how to undo a spell that is placed on you during the process.”

“Wait…” Frankie whispers. “Who did you ask?! Who taught you such?”

“A buddy of yours,” I declare with an evil grin. “Said you were supposed to be his assistant, but you got cocky.”

“That piece of shi—” he curses, but I remind him I’m the one with the gun in hand by pressing the metal weapon against his chest once more.

“Yeah, yeah. Curse him all you want, but before you knocked me out, you told me everything you just shared tonight, only your objective was to wipe my memories permanently because you don’t know how to make your spells remain longer than an hour. That’s what you did to that last act who killed himself. To which you put the blame on the guest hypnotist who went to jail for the crime he didn’t commit, didn’t you?”

“You bitch…” he curses.

“A very smart bitch who knows how to hypnotize herself for forty-eight hours,” I proudly state. “When you were doing your spell, I was doing my own in my head, and there was only one way to undo it within the forty-eight hours.” I use my free hand to point to Wyatt, who’s still behind me. “Get Wyatt to kiss me.”

“Wait…” Wyatt gasps. “So… before we came to dance.”

“I told you I’d close my eyes and count down for sixty seconds, and you could do whatever you want. However, the spell would only be undone if you kissed me. Nothing else.”

“So… you forgot Wyatt on purpose?” Officer Klettskarð whispers in astonishment.

“Yes,” I announce. “I knew what Frankie was after. He assumed Wyatt was dating me again to get back at him, which is why he got more aggravated with his desire to fuck us all over. So, I decided to use his games against him by triggering me to forget, which is what he was planning to do. Since Frankie is a cocky fucker, he listened to our conversation at the hospital, confirming his hypnosis was ‘still working.’ He set this up to interrupt our lovely family gathering to finish what his father started years ago before the hypnosis ran out.”

“If he didn’t kiss you, you wouldn’t have remembered shit!” Frankie yells.

“You’re right,” I agree and smirk. “But I knew Wyatt would kiss me because no matter if I remembered him or not, I gave him a chance to prove he still loves me. Despite forgetting all about him, he was willing to take a chance and kiss me. If he didn’t want to go through that trauma again… if he really thought our relationship wasn’t worth fighting for, he would have walked away. If he did that, I wouldn’t have remembered in time, and well, this plan would have been a pain to execute ‘cause I’d have to admit that you won.”

I give him my best sinister grin, my white teeth showing as I pull my gun away.