“D-Dating again?! When did this happen? Alex didn’t say anything about this!”

“Well, how could Mackenzie say a thing when you’ve been yapping about all the ways she can get free money by exploiting the government and connections so that you can benefit from her hard work?”

“Excuse me! How dare you accuse me of such?”

“Oh? Was that not what you were doing?”

“You listen here, boy! You shouldn’t be listening in on other people’s conversations! It’s against the law.”

“A shame it’s not against the law when the phone is on speaker, and anyone in this house can probably hear your loud voice without even straining their ears,” I counter right back. “I’d scold my girl about putting the phone on speaker with every phone discussion she has, but then again, I remember quite clearly that it’s a rather ‘bad’ habit she learned from a certain caretaker who always forced her to put the phone on speaker or else she’d be in ‘trouble.’ I wonder where that caretaker is now?”

That shuts her up real fast, reminding her that it’s thanks to Mackenzie and the grace of my own morals that’s tamed me from ruining her image in this entire town.

Time to remind her that I’m the thorn in her side that she can never get rid of.

“Now, I don’t want to waste any more of my Mackenzie’s time. She has to celebrate working her ass off to get this internship and proving to all those haters and distant relatives that she’s one of the smartest women in this small town. We all know only five Strattonville residents have graduated and obtained their Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the last five years, so we all should be praising and celebrating Mackenzie’s success. At least, I know my dad and Coach Johnson are extremely proud of her.” I meet her eyes as she peers back into mine with surprise.

“I’m especially proud of my Darling,” I say firmly without breaking eye contact, leaving us in a staring contest as the other line remains silent. I force myself to focus on wrapping this conversation up for our sanity.

“With that being said, do not worry about Mackenzie’s living arrangements. As I stated earlier, she’ll be staying with me. I’m sure my suite will have two bedrooms,” I express and dare to smile. “One can be turned into a nice office for her to complete her studies or research in.”

“O-Office?” she sounds appalled not by the idea of Mackenzie having a study space, but by the obvious image I’m painting with my analogy.

“Yes. Office for my Darling to study and continue to maintain her spectacular high scores, and we’ll obviously only need one bedroom.” I watch as Mackenzie’s cheeks begin to flush. “Don’t worry. I promise to make sure she has a ring on her finger before we procreate.”

Now Mackenzie is gawking while her whole face is red in seconds.

“Oh, look at the time! If we don’t get moving, we’re going to miss our reservations. It’s a good night to have some nice celebratory lobster and wine to feast on. It was such a pleasure to hear from you, Aunt Beverly. I’m glad things are reasonably better than the few harsh years you and your family dealt with when your husband lost his job a few years ago. I hope things have gotten better since, but we can totally catch up at one of the future games if you plan to attend and support your niece in her internship.”

As if she’d dare attend.

“I’m not done with my conversation with Alex, boy!” she barks at me as I’ve surely ruined every plan she created in that wild mind of hers.

Oops. My bad for soiling such diabolical plans.

“Yes, you are,” I voice. “There’s only a minute left on this phone line. I think it’ll cut off any moment now. I’m sure once the government sends top-up units for Mackenzie’s phone, she’ll get back to you if you need her. However, I’m positive you have my or my dad’s number. If not, don’t hesitate to ask Sandra. I’m sure she’s well aware of what the coach and new equipment manager’s office numbers and times of operation will be by next week.”

Then my voice dips so low, it takes my mind overtime to register the words that leave my own mouth.

“So, the next time you speak to my girl, remember my dad or I will always be nearby and do not take threatening, coercing, or forcing the woman we care about to do things against her own moralities, so I suggest you think twice before making that next phone call, Mrs. Beverly. It’ll be a shame if anyone else outside of our little circle hears how you speak to your beloved niece.”

The way she gasps in astonishment makes my whole fucking night.

“Y-You’re threatening me?!”

“Oh, no.” I really don’t think my voice can be more dangerous sounding.

Lethal and toxic in ruining this woman’s entire reputation in seconds.

“I’m simply warning you as I do anyone who threatens my girl’s autonomy and happiness. Mackenzie is very important to me. That means protecting her peace from everyone, even those deemed as family.”

She doesn’t answer me, and that’s a good fucking thing because I’m done with this conversation.

“Have a pleasant night,” I voice and don’t wait for her to answer before I hang up.

That leaves Mackenzie staring at me with her jaw open and disbelief in the heart of her eyes.

“Man, I’m hungry,” I voice and lick my lips.