“What is this? A magic trick?” he taunts, but I can see I’m pushing his limits.
“I’ll only ever ask you this once, Wyatt,” I stress. “I know… it’s not right, but this is the only thing my brain will understand. The only way to experience a glimpse of what your Xandra experienced before those precious memories were forced away.”
I let go of his hand and take a deep breath.
“I’m going to close my eyes and keep count,” I whisper and close my eyes. “Challenge starts now. 60, 59, 58, 57, 5—”
Lips crash into mine, taking me by surprise, just as his arms that wrap around my waist and hoist me up like I weigh absolutely nothing.
I barely get a gasp out before I’m in a liplock, my body reacting to the possessive energy that wraps around us until I’m nothing but a captive in this swirling sensation of lust. My body is in its own orbit. The freedom to react and kiss this man with everything we have is overwhelming. My hands move through his blonde locks, my tongue tied with his.
He presses me against the wall, his groin pressing against my lower region, making it obvious just how hard he’s been this entire time.
I know a minute has passed in a blink of an eye, but we keep kissing and kissing, until I’m seeing fucking stars. As if sensing it, he breaks the kiss, leaving us panting heavily before he whispers tenderly.
“I’ll always love you, Xandra.”
I open my eyes and look into his, seeing the Wyatt I saw in the hospital. Vulnerable, emotional, so full of life. His cheeks are red like mine, the two of us still catching our breaths, even as he helps me down from being plastered against the wall.
My lips are tingling, and I can only wish we’d do that again, but I know the next time we kiss like that, I’d have to earn it, just like he would like.
“Satisfied?” he breathes, to which I slowly bob my head. “Good. Let’s go dance.” He offers his hand and adds, “Can I hold your hand, Kenzie.”
Like a switch, he’s back to bodyguard mode.
And calling me Kenzie.
“Yes,” I breathe and lay my hand on his.
He leads me until we enter the ballroom where plenty are on the dance floor. Despite it being a family dinner, relatives and close friends were invited to enjoy the open bar and entertainment afterward.
When we reach the dance floor, we face each other before following the lead of the current ensemble. Moving to the music gives me a sense of deja vu because despite never remembering being able to dance to such classical renditions, my body moves like I’ve done plenty of these dances with Wyatt as my partner.
We dance and dance until it seems we’re both lost in the musical sequence. We don’t stop until he pulls off the final spin of me before we both bow to one another and step in close.
Everyone’s in a line position, with the dance ending with the men spinning their female partners around to face the next male who would take the woman to dance the next set.
When I spin around, I expect Oscar to be standing there with his tall chisel frame in that sexy black suit of his, but instead, Wyatt has an arm around my waist just as his gun is now pressing into the opposing man’s forehead.
Everyone else gasps, the music coming to a screeching halt, leaving all eyes on us as Wyatt has the barrel of his gun pressed against Fernandez’s forehead.
But he doesn’t shoot.
“Smart bodyguard, aren’t you?” he teases, only for his eyes to gleam with mischief before he flicks off the safety of his own weapon. “A shame that I’m still smarter, Wyatt.”
I keep completely still, even with the cold barrel being pressed against the flesh of my chest, right over my heart.
Here I stand, between Wyatt and Frankie. If Wyatt pulls the trigger, Frankie will be done, but if Frankie pulls first, we’re both dead.
“Frankie Fernandez!” Officer Klettskarð shouts, making me realize he’s present. “You’re under arrest on multiple charges! Lower your weapon!”
“Why would I do that?” he questions. “I’m in the perfect position to finally ruin Wyatt’s life. At first, I thought ruining his chances of being a bodyguard would take him out. Bonus point was his mother being killed in the process, but that didn’t slow him down much.”
The rumbling growl that ignites from his words comes from Oscar, who I see in the corner of my eye. He’s standing with Oliver and Leo, the two of them pointing guns our way, but they can’t shoot.
“Then I thought I’d ruin him by beating him in hockey, but before we got to face one another professionally, he dropped out like the sore loser he is. Then I found out he broke up with his long-term girlfriend.” His eyes lower to mine. “I thought, ‘why not date his girl as well?’ It was the perfect plan that executed nicely. Only she broke up with me.”
He tries not to act annoyed by that, but it’s as clear as day in his eyes.