Page 318 of Wrong Pucking Player

I nervously look at Oscar while attempting to tug my hand away, but he only tightens his grip before approaching the bed with me in tow.

Her eyes are on him now, and I can see the way his smirk only grows.

He’s fucking smiling.

“Why?” he questions her. “Is our Andrews jealous?”

Now she’s blushing.

“J-Jealous?” She sounds absolutely shocked. “Why would I be jealous of him?” She points to me. “You’re mine.” She frowns and looks at her pointed finger before moving it to Armani. “Mine!”

He only further smiles as he uses his free hand to grip the sidebar of her bed and lean over until his lips barely brush hers.

“No. We share,” he growls against her lips. “You. Me. Cyrus Jr.”

She doesn’t look pleased in the slightest, but I feel like she’s more drawn to his lips that are teasing her with every spoken word.

God, the sexual tension between them is magnetic.

“You,” she mutters. “Me.” She looks at me, but she’s scowling at the idea of saying the last part.

Oscar isn’t having any of that.


Her eyes are back on him.

Poor girl looks like someone’s running their nails down a chalkboard.



She lets out a huff.

“Cyrus Jr.”

“That’s my stubborn Kitten,” he praises and seals her lips before she can try to comment. I envy how he’s able to control any situation, even when it’s clearly not in my favor.

He doesn’t benefit from helping me out, but he is.

“Fine,” she mutters, her cheeks super red. “But I call the shots. He can’t randomly kiss me when he sees fit.” Her judgmental eyes are on me again.

“He’s right there, Kitten. You can tell him yourself,” Oscar taunts, leaving her to pout those delicate lips of hers. With a sigh, she looks back at me.

“Don’t kiss me. Don’t hug me. Don’t touch me.”

I swallow the lump in my throat as I slowly nod.

Her eyes linger on me for a long minute before she adds, “Unless I say otherwise.”

“Understood,” I whisper.

She seems satisfied with that.

“Are you coming to the dinner?” she asks Armani.

“Well, our families are both attending, so most definitely,” he assures her. “Need help picking a dress?”