Page 293 of Wrong Pucking Player

“Unlike you, I won’t do what my body is begging to do. I won’t hit you the way you deserve to be hit after what you just did to Ace and Mikayla, but Karma has a way of rewarding all of us. I hope she rewards you with a taste of your own medicine. Then, you can determine if all of this,”—he points around us—“was worth the thrill of it all.”

He spins around and skates away, leaving the auditorium just as the screams and shouts from fans are directed at the culprit of our irony and pain.



“SUSPEND HIM! SUSPEND HIM!” The chant begins to grow in volume until it echoes against the high ceilings.

I watch it all as the police have Winchester in cuffs, ready to bring him off the ice and most certainly in for questioning.

I notice Officer Melody and Officer Klettskarð are waiting for Winchester with the group of officers near the bench, their stern expressions making me realize how bad all of this really is.

There’s no way of going back from this.

Soon enough, I do all I can before I’m left behind in the parking lot as I watch my best friend be rushed to the hospital via ambulance. A lift of my head and I can still see the helicopter in the distance making its way to the specialized hospital for sports injuries.

I can only hope things turn out well, but I can only imagine the fear running through Harvey’s family’s minds right now as they rush to the hospital, which is a two-and-a-half-hour ride if they leave now.


I look over to see Katherine as she approaches me, and I realize she’s in a different set of scrubs.

“Katherine? Where are you going?”

She gives me a sad look before she runs her hands through her hair.

“I have to go and take care of my client. Due to what we just witnessed, Harvey’s family are making their way to the hospital, meaning they leave their grandmother alone at home.”


“I didn’t realize you worked to take care of Harvey’s grandmother,” I quietly emphasize, knowing she’s telling me this, even though, in normal circumstances, it would be confidential.

“Yeah, been assigned to her for years. That’s why all of this is… hard,” she admits and tries not to show how distraught she really is.

“Are you sure you can go?” I question in worry. “What we just witnessed and experienced is a bit traumatizing. Especially when you’re close to the Harvey family.”

“It’s unavoidable,” she confesses. “Everyone else in my company is too far away to make it. Now, with this fiasco, the traffic will be heinous out there. It’s ten minutes from here, so I’m going to take a scooter to get there. I could run, but I’d be drenched by the time I got there, and I’m not necessarily a long-distance runner like you,” she admits and sighs.

“Katherine,” I whisper. “You don’t look well. Are you sure you can go? I can come with you?”

“No, no.” She shakes her head. “You’re just as traumatized as we all are. You may not be as close to Harvey, but Mikayla is your best friend. You had to watch her drop like that and bleed… it’s a lot. I may not want to admit it, but I think a lot of us are going to need therapy because that shit was…”

“Horrifying,” I mutter. “Winchester was the one who was blackmailing Augustus for six-plus years.”

“Fucking douche,” she grumbles. “We knew it but didn’t have enough evidence to point the finger his way. We would have lost in court if we tried, but after this? His career is over.”

“You mean he can’t get out of this in any way?” Winchester seems to be the King of that.

“All he can get away with is bailing himself out and awaiting trial. However, if we really push hard with this evidence this evening onward, I believe we can speed the court for trial and sentencing. These videos are going to go viral and be shown to the world. I believe within twenty-four hours, they’ll be a global campaign to end Winchester,” she reveals. “His hockey days are over, and soon, the privilege of freedom he took advantage of will finally be stripped from him.”

She pulls out her phone and checks the message displayed on her screen.

“Alright, let me go. Grandma Harvey is at risk for falls and wandering. She’s not as coherent unless her family is around, so it’s best I get to their place as soon as I can.”

“Okay.” I open my arms up. “I know where Harvey lives, so if you need backup, I’ll run the distance to help out any way I can. Just call me, okay?”

The way she smiles in relief before taking those few steps to hug me tightly makes me feel a bit better. Knowing I can help her with just support makes me feel like I’m doing something to protect her.