“And… you’ll always be there.”
“I’m not leaving you, Kenzie,” he vows.
I lift my head to see the determined expression in his eyes.
“I’m all yours.”
He lifts our joined hands until my hand presses against the A of his ‘Sacrifice’ tattoo.
Then I feel it.
My expression tells it all to him, which is why he slowly nods.
“A single shot protecting him,” he whispers. “I thought it was the right call. I fought all these years to convince myself that it was the right call to protect the person I thought I loved. I didn’t want to admit it was lust. Even when everyone around me said it was. Do I regret almost losing my life in protecting Winchester? I do. Every day… I’m beginning to despise putting my life up for grabs while he’s willing to destroy mine and everything I cherish as a reward.”
He lifts my hand until his lips can press my bare palm.
“I promised you I’d let go. I meant it,” he vows. “That means when I get too lost in the dark, I’m gonna need you, Kitten.”
His eyes can’t portray more of his vulnerability because it’s all there. Oozing outward, pleading for my support.
Pleading to be his light in the midst of the dark.
“I’ll guide you,” I promise and go on my tiptoes so I can press my lips against the back of his hand that still holds mine. “I’ll be your light, Oscar.”
We’ll have each other.
“Then lead the way, Kenzie,” he whispers in encouragement. “And I’ll follow.”
We blink away many more tears, composing ourselves before we exit the building hand in hand.
I catch onto the security guard and don’t hesitate to offer the card that’s somewhat intact after having me squeeze it far too hard.
He looks directly at me.
Then at Armani.
“Follow me,” he announces.
It’s not long before we enter an entrance similar to an underground cellar, followed by a dark hall that’s barely illuminated with red lights. When he stops at a single door at the end, he steps to the side and gestures for us to enter.
Squeezing Armani’s hand, I reach for the knob and turn it open, entering the room just to see who’s present.
A round of applause comes from a single individual.
“You’ve finally found the one, my son,” Mr. Tobias declares as he continues to clap with pride-filled eyes.
I notice that Oliver and Wyatt are both present, the two of them off to the side and surprised to see me with Armani.
They don’t say a word while they quickly compose themselves, but my eyes are on the man tied in the chair in the middle of the room.
Joseph. The firefighter.
“I wasn’t sure if we’d have to move on to Greg first, but you both arrived just in time,” Mr. Tobias encourages. “Feel free to stand on the side. This may take a while. You can gladly participate. Especially you, Miss Androsov.”
Despite the offer, I simply nod and pull Armani with me so we can stand with the others. I end up being between Armani and Wyatt, my right hand reaching for Wyatt’s.
His fingers intertwine with mine without either of us looking away at what’s about to happen. Despite the fear bubbling in the depths within, I force it away as I acknowledge I’m between two men I know would go over and beyond to protect me.