Page 274 of Wrong Pucking Player

Did he cuff her, too? Abuse her that way? A straight jacket would be extreme, so commonly handcuffs would be the first choice to keep her captive.

“She can’t wear those,” I declare and look back at the officer.

“Don’t interfere! You’re already under arrest.”

I turn my body and place it protectively in front of Katherine before I snarl, “She’s an abuse survivor! The fucker who hurt her used those pieces of shit against her.”

That seems to shock the officer who flinches back.

Flashing lights make us realize everything’s being recorded, but I stand my ground before I offer my hands.

“Arrest me, fine, but I swear to our Heavenly Father above if you lay a handcuff on her without consent, I will sue you, the department, and the whole police force of Strattonville!” I say loud and clear. “And trust me. When it’s all over, you all will be making public apologies to all of us.”

“You little—”

“I’d be VERY careful of what you say, Officer.”

I’m glancing up to see Mitchel, whose gaze is frightening as he glares down at this man.

“Go against what she says, and I personally promise the Owens will happily get involved and find the best lawyer in the world to represent her, Caren, Oscar, and the entire fucking team for this bullshit.”

I look farther to the side to see the rest of the team is there, ready to step in if things escalate any further.

“Stand down, Greg,” Another officer in higher ranking announces. “Do what the blonde says. Throw her and the accused in a cell upon arrival. We’ll get our chief to deal with it. He’s on the way to the station.”

“Understood.” The man announces with grit teeth before he’s looking back at me. “Arms forward.”

“Already in position,” I taunt, only to hiss when he puts those handcuffs far too tight.

“You better loosen those.” I’m surprised to hear Dr. Francisco as he emerges from the crowd. “Any disrupt blood flow to my students and I’ll gladly join this sue train against you and your department.”

I can’t believe he’s defending us, but there he is, observing the officer’s every move as he has no choice but to get the key, unlock the cuffs, and redo them so they’re not blocking my bloodstream.

Getting up, I notice a female officer has arrived and is looking over at Katherine before encouraging her to try to stand up. Noticing my gaze, the officer gives me a sad smile.

“I’ll make sure she’ll be in your car, and we’ll request for some aid to check her out if she needs to go to the hospital.”

That’s good enough for me.

“Thank you.”

“MEOW!” I realize Muffin is back and on my shoulder, hissing away.

“Someone, take the fucking cat,” the officer groans.

I try to find Wyatt, and when I do, he’s still keeping Leo from losing his fucking shit. He looks as helpless as I feel, but there’s something dangerous hidden behind his eyes.

Something that tells me he’s not going to be standing still while we’re in jail.

“It’s fine,” the female officer announces. “They’ll come in my car. The cat was stuck in that burning building. It’s not going to be removed easily unless you want face surgery.”

Greg grunts some curses but tugs me forward.

By the time I’m pushed into the car and Katherine is situated at my side, there’s a huge explosion. I can barely see what happens as sirens are going off in the distance and screams can be heard all around.

“Let’s get you two to the station, and you can tell me what really happened, okay?” the female officer announces. “I’m Officer Melody. I’m new to Strattonville from the NYC department, so I do things differently than these dudes do.”

“Oscar and Katherine didn’t do it,” I emphasize with pleading eyes. “Katherine was sick, and Leo brought her to the building to rest. He’s gonna find proof, but Oscar… Armani was with me. We were all together at the ball fundraiser. He rushed over here to save our cat that we raised together.”